European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
On 5 March 2019, AEGIS Europe organised together with Iuliu Winkler MEP (Vice-Chair, EP INTA Committee) a launch event of the European Parliament Forum on Fair Competition in International Trade & Law Enforcement.
The forum is a cross-party platform in the European Parliament with the purpose of fostering debate on the effectiveness of EU trade defence instruments (TDIs) and on the implementation of WTO and EU rules to ensure that international competition is not distorted by unfair trade practices.
On this occasion, AEGIS Europe presented its manifesto for the coming European elections, which includes recommendations on WTO Reform, state-induced distortions, and customs rules and enforcement. Algerian trade barriers form part of the case studies included the annex of the manifesto, with several other sectors affected. Leopoldo Rubinacci (Director for Trade Defence, DG TRADE) and several MEPs took part in the event. Speakers and stakeholders present also welcomed the launch of the forum.
AEGIS Europe brings together 25 European associations representing a broad variety of industries including traditional industries, consumer branches, SMEs and renewable energy sectors, accounting for more than €500 billion in annual turnover and millions of jobs across the EU. AEGIS Europe promotes manufacturing, investment, employment, growth & innovation in Europe. Visit the website for more.