European Ceramic Industry Association ESTWed, 26 Mar 2025 16:09:59 ESTenInclusive Clean Industrial Deal: the make-or-break moment for EU industry | Video Statement by Cerame-Unie President Heimo Scheuch
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/inclusive-clean-industrial-deal-the-make-or-break-moment-for-eu-industry-video-statement-by-cerame-unie-president-heimo-scheuch/Informal Competitiveness Council on the Alignment of Industry and Trade
Please read here the full article and Cerame-Unie's position.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade/informal-competitiveness-council-on-the-alignment-of-industry-and-trade/Open Letter to Executive Vice President Stéphane Séjourné, Executive Vice President Teresa Ribera and Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/open-letter-to-executive-vice-president-stephane-sejourne-executive-vice-president-teresa-ribera-and-commissioner-wopke-hoekstra/Joint Statement | Reality Check for European Hydrogen Policy to Adjust the Course
Please consult here the Joint Statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-statement-reality-check-for-european-hydrogen-policy-to-adjust-the-course/Joint Statement of EU and Global Industry & Trade Associations on International Customs Day 2025
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/joint-statement-of-eu-and-global-industry-trade-associations-on-international-customs-day-2025/PRESS RELEASE | PRESENTATION OF THE FOURTH REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF EU TRADE POLICY
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/press-release-presentation-of-the-fourth-report-on-the-implementation-and-enforcement-of-eu-trade-policy/VACANCY: Events & Communication Traineeship | Starting Date: 10 February 2024
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-events-communication-traineeship-starting-date-10-february-2024/Cerame-Unie Appoints Heimo Scheuch as New President and calls for a tailored approach under the Clean Industrial Deal
Please consult here the Press Release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-appoints-heimo-scheuch-as-new-president-and-calls-for-a-tailored-approach-under-the-clean-industrial-deal/Antwerp Dialogue on Industrial Electrification & Competitiveness | Recommendations
Please consult the recommendations here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/antwerp-dialogue-on-industrial-electrification-competitiveness-recommendations/2024 | INVENTORY OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PROJECTS IN THE CERAMIC INDUSTRY
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/2024-inventory-of-research-and-innovation-projects-in-the-ceramic-industry/2024 European Ceramic Days : PRESS RELEASE & Cerame-Unie Statement on the Clean Industrial Deal
Please consult the PRESS RELEASE and the Statement of Cerame-Unie, here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2024-european-ceramic-days-press-release-cerame-unie-statement-on-the-clean-industrial-deal/Cerame-Unie Activity Report 2023
Please consult here the Cerame-Unie Activity Report for the year 2023.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-activity-report-2023/Joint Industry Coalition statement in support of the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/joint-industry-coalition-statement-in-support-of-the-eu-mercosur-free-trade-agreement-fta/PUBLICATION OF THE 42th ANNUAL REPORT ON THE USE OF TRADE DEFENCE INSTRUMENTS
Please consult the PRESS RELEASE here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/publication-of-the-42th-annual-report-on-the-use-of-trade-defence-instruments/Franco Vantaggi, former Managing Director of Confindustria Ceramica, a longtime prominent figure in Italian ceramics, has passed away
Please consult here the Press Release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/franco-vantaggi-former-managing-director-of-confindustria-ceramica-a-longtime-prominent-figure-in-italian-ceramics-has-passed-away/European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) Breakfast Debate on the Draghi Report | 16 October, EP, Brussels
Please consult here the Press Release of the event.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/european-parliament-ceramics-forum-epcf-breakfast-debate-on-the-draghi-report-16-october-ep-brussels/2024 EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS | 2-3-4 DECEMBER | BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
The European Ceramic Days is an annual event that brings together high-level representatives of the European Ceramic Industry with officials and policymakers from national and EU authorities.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2024-european-ceramic-days-2-3-4-december-brussels-belgium/CU article on Kéramica magazine: “EU climate legislation on the rise. Impact on the European ceramic industry“
Please click here to read the full article.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cu-article-on-keramica-magazine-eu-climate-legislation-on-the-rise-impact-on-the-european-ceramic-industry/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS - CLIMATE, ENERGY & TRADE - STARTING MID-SEPTEMBER 2024
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade-starting-mid-september-2024/Cerame-Unie signs Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10
Please consult the Joint Statement HERE.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-signs-joint-statement-for-an-ambitious-fp10/VACANCY: Events & Communication Traineeship | Starting Date: 19 August 2024
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before 30 June 2024.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-events-communication-traineeship-starting-date-19-august-2024/VACANCY: Trade Policy Manager | Starting Date: 1 August 2024
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-trade-policy-manager-starting-date-1-august-2024/Antwerp Dialogue on quality industrial jobs in Europe
Please consult the final joint statement HERE.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/antwerp-dialogue-on-quality-industrial-jobs-in-europe/The Construction2050 Alliance calls for action on delivering housing and new built solutions in open letter
Please consult the Open Letter here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/the-construction2050-alliance-calls-for-action-on-delivering-housing-and-new-built-solutions-in-open-letter/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS - CLIMATE, ENERGY & TRADE - STARTING MID-MAY 2024
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade-starting-mid-may-2024/Manufacturing Europe’s Future | AEGIS Europe & IndustriAll Conference | 21 March | Brussels
Please consult here the PRESS RELEASE.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/manufacturing-europe-s-future-aegis-europe-industriall-conference-21-march-brussels/VACANCY: Events & Communication Traineeship
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before Friday 5 April 2024.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-events-communication-traineeship/CU Press Release | EC communication on the CO2 emissions reduction target for 2040
Read the full statement here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cu-press-release-ec-communication-on-the-co2-emissions-reduction-target-for-2040/CU PRESS RELEASE | Renewal of anti-dumping duties on imports of ceramic tiles originating in China
Read the full Press Release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/cu-press-release-renewal-of-anti-dumping-duties-on-imports-of-ceramic-tiles-originating-in-china/Joint Industry Coalition statement in support of the EU-Mercosur FTA
Read the full statement here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/joint-industry-coalition-statement-in-support-of-the-eu-mercosur-fta/2023 | INVENTORY OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PROJECTS IN THE CERAMIC INDUSTRY
Please consult here the updated 2023 CU Inventory on R&I Projects in the Ceramic Industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/2023-inventory-of-research-and-innovation-projects-in-the-ceramic-industry/CONSTRUCTION 2050 ALLIANCE PUBLISHES ITS CALL AND COMMITMENT FOR THE NEW EU POLITICAL TERM
Please consult the call here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/construction-2050-alliance-publishes-its-call-and-commitment-for-the-new-eu-political-term/2023 EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS | LAUNCH OF THE CERAMIC MANIFESTO 2024-2029
Please consult the full press release & the Ceramic Manifesto 24-29, HERE.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2023-european-ceramic-days-launch-of-the-ceramic-manifesto-2024-2029/Joint Statement | Energy Intensive Industries welcome the EP vote on NZIA
Read the full statement here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-statement-energy-intensive-industries-welcome-the-ep-vote-on-nzia/PUBLICATION OF THE THIRD REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF EU TRADE POLICY
Please consult here the Press Release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/publication-of-the-third-report-on-the-implementation-and-enforcement-of-eu-trade-policy/2023 EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS | 27-28-29 NOVEMBER | BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
The European Ceramic Days is an annual event that brings together high-level representatives of the European Ceramic Industry with officials and policymakers from national and EU authorities.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2023-european-ceramic-days-27-28-29-november-brussels-belgium/CU Position Paper | To promote the use of secondary raw materials in the manufacture of ceramic products
Please consult here the CU Position Paper.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/cu-position-paper-to-promote-the-use-of-secondary-raw-materials-in-the-manufacture-of-ceramic-products/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS - CLIMATE, ENERGY & TRADE - STARTING 23 OCTOBER 2023
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade-starting-23-october-2023/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS - ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY AND HEALTH & SAFETY - STARTING NOVEMBER 2023
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-public-affairs-environment-sustainability-and-health-safety-starting-november-2023/Adoption of the European Parliament's negotiating position on the review of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)
Please find the full article here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/adoption-of-the-european-parliament-s-negotiating-position-on-the-review-of-the-construction-products-regulation-cpr/2022 CERAME-UNIE ACTIVITY REPORT
Please consult the full Activity Report here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2022-cerame-unie-activity-report/CU Position Paper | Reused/remanufactured products in the revised CPR
To read the full Position Paper, please click here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/cu-position-paper-reused-remanufactured-products-in-the-revised-cpr/JOINT LETTER TO MEMBER STATES’ REPRESENTATIVES | An EU binding biomethane target in the Gas Regulation is critical to support strategic energy autonomy and climate objectives
Please consult the Joint Letter HERE.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-letter-to-member-states-representatives-an-eu-binding-biomethane-target-in-the-gas-regulation-is-critical-to-support-strategic-energy-autonomy-and-climate-objectives/Position paper on product priority consultation | ECODESIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS REGULATION
Consult the full position paper here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/position-paper-on-product-priority-consultation-ecodesign-for-sustainable-products-regulation/ENERGY INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES HIGH LEVEL STATEMENT ON THE NET ZERO INDUSTRIAL ACT
Find the full article here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/energy-intensive-industries-high-level-statement-on-the-net-zero-industrial-act/PRESS RELEASE | MEP LETTER ON INDIRECT COST COMPENSATIONS FOR THE CERAMIC INDUSTRY
Read the full press release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/press-release-mep-letter-on-indirect-cost-compensations-for-the-ceramic-industry/JOINT POSITION PAPER | NATURE RESTORATION LAW
Please find the full position paper here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/joint-position-paper-nature-restoration-law/OPEN LETTER | The EU industry calling for a consideration of low carbon hydrogen in the calculation of RFNBOs targets
Read full open letter here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/open-letter-the-eu-industry-calling-for-a-consideration-of-low-carbon-hydrogen-in-the-calculation-of-rfnbos-targets/PRESS RELEASE | ANTI-DUMPING MEASURES ON IMPORTS OF CERAMIC TILES FROM INDIA AND TURKEY
Read full press release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/press-release-anti-dumping-measures-on-imports-of-ceramic-tiles-from-india-and-turkey/Vacancy: Internship in European Public Affairs (Climate, Energy & Trade) | March 2023
Please consult full vacancy herehttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade-march-2023/JOINT STATEMENT | Energy-intensive industries should be at the heart of the Green Deal Industrial plan
Read the full statement here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-statement-energy-intensive-industries-should-be-at-the-heart-of-the-green-deal-industrial-plan/JOINT PRESS RELEASE: World Customs Day: Statement by Members of the Trade Contact Group Advising DG TAXUD
Please consult here the full joint press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade/joint-press-release-world-customs-day-statement-by-members-of-the-trade-contact-group-advising-dg-taxud/29th Annual meeting of the World Ceramic Tiles Forum in Indonesia
Please consult HERE the Press Release of the 2022 WCTF, hosted by ASAKI, in Bali, from 7 to 13 December.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/29th-annual-meeting-of-the-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-indonesia/Joint letter: RePowerEU and Innovation Fund must go hand in hand to stop EU’s de-industrialisation
Please consult here the full joint letter.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/joint-letter-repowereu-and-innovation-fund-must-go-hand-in-hand-to-stop-eu-s-de-industrialisation/JOINT OPEN LETTER ON THE REVISION OF THE GHG PROTOCOL’S REPORTING PRINCIPLES
Read full letter here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-open-letter-on-the-revision-of-the-ghg-protocol-s-reporting-principles/Open letter of the EU industry calling for optional eligibility of low-carbon hydrogen to the hydrogen targets
Read the full letter here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/open-letter-of-the-eu-industry-calling-for-optional-eligibility-of-low-carbon-hydrogen-to-the-hydrogen-targets/PRESS RELEASE – FEPF APPOINTS NEW PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS
Read the full press release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/press-release-fepf-appoints-new-president-and-vice-presidents/PRESS RELEASE | INITIATION OF AN EXPIRY REVIEW OF ANTI-DUMPING MEASURES ON IMPORTS OF CERAMIC TILES FROM CHINA
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/press-release-initiation-of-an-expiry-review-of-anti-dumping-measures-on-imports-of-ceramic-tiles-from-china/PRESS RELEASE | PUBLICATION OF THE SECOND REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF EU TRADE AGREEMENTS
Please consult the full press release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/press-release-publication-of-the-second-report-on-the-implementation-and-enforcement-of-eu-trade-agreements/STATEMENT BY ENERGY INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES AHEAD OF THE EXTRAORDINARY ENERGY COUNCIL OF 30 SEPTEMBER 2022
Please consult the full statement here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/statement-by-energy-intensive-industries-ahead-of-the-extraordinary-energy-council-of-30-september-2022/Press release on 40th TDI annual report
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/press-release-on-40th-tdi-annual-report/RECORDING | CERAME-UNIE WEBINAR | THE NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS: CERAMICS CONTRIBUTING TO AN INCLUSIVE BUILT ENVIRONMENT | 25 OCTOBER 2022 | 10:00-11:30 | ZOOM
Find here information about the upcoming event.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/recording-cerame-unie-webinar-the-new-european-bauhaus-ceramics-contributing-to-an-inclusive-built-environment-25-october-2022-10-00-11-30-zoom/Cerame-Unie statement on the State of the European Union address by President von der Leyen of 14 September
Please consult here the full statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-statement-on-the-state-of-the-european-union-address-by-president-von-der-leyen-of-14-september/STATEMENT BY ENERGY INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES ON THE OUTCOME OF THE EXTRAORDINARY ENERGY COUNCIL OF 9 SEPTEMBER 2022
Please consult here the full statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/statement-by-energy-intensive-industries-on-the-outcome-of-the-extraordinary-energy-council-of-9-september-2022/CERAME-UNIE PRESS RELEASE ON ENERGY PRICES
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-press-release-on-energy-prices/JOINT LETTER | ENERGY INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES | EU GAS AND ELECTRICITY PRICES
Please consult here for the full joint letter.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-letter-energy-intensive-industries-eu-gas-and-electricity-prices/SAVE THE DATE | CU CYCLE OF WEBINARS | THE NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS | Ceramics Contributing to an Inclusive Built Environment | 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 | 10:00-11:30 | ZOOM
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/save-the-date-cu-cycle-of-webinars-the-new-european-bauhaus-ceramics-contributing-to-an-inclusive-built-environment-12-september-2022-10-00-11-30-zoom/Cerame-Unie Public Webinar | Building and renovating in an energy-efficient and resource-efficient way | 20 September, 10:00-11:30 (CET) | ZOOM
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-public-webinar-building-and-renovating-in-an-energy-efficient-and-resource-efficient-way-20-september-10-00-11-30-cet-zoom/Vacancy: Internship in European Public Affairs (Climate, Energy & Trade) | September 2022
Please consult full vacancy herehttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade-september-2022/2022 EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS | 28-30 NOVEMBER | BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
The European Ceramic Days, the pre-eminent policy event for Europe’s ceramic manufacturers, will take place from Monday 28 November until Wednesday 30 November 2022, in Brussels, Belgium.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2022-european-ceramic-days-28-30-november-brussels-belgium/Joint Open Letter to Energy Ministers on “Save Gas for a Safe Winter” | Industry and district heating operators call for prioritisation of efficient heat and power
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-open-letter-to-energy-ministers-on-save-gas-for-a-safe-winter-industry-and-district-heating-operators-call-for-prioritisation-of-efficient-heat-and-power/Cerame-Unie PRESS RELEASE on the EC "Guidelines on a European Gas Demand Reduction Plan"
Please consult HERE the Cerame-Unie Press Release on the European Commission's "Guidelines on a European Gas Demand Reduction Plan".http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-press-release-on-the-ec-guidelines-on-a-european-gas-demand-reduction-plan/CU Letters to Commissioner Breton and Commissioner Simson | Energy Reduction plan – Potential Impact on Ceramics and its Value Chains
Please consult here the full letters to the Commissioners.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cu-letters-to-commissioner-breton-and-commissioner-simson-energy-reduction-plan-potential-impact-on-ceramics-and-its-value-chains/Press Release - European Parliament Plenary vote ETS and CBAM
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/press-release-european-parliament-plenary-vote-ets-and-cbam/Cerame-Unie position paper on the proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation
Please consult here the full position paperhttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/cerame-unie-position-paper-on-the-proposal-for-a-revised-construction-products-regulation/CET Congress 2022 | Rome, Italy | 8-10 June
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/cet-congress-2022-rome-italy-8-10-june/ECODESIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS REGULATION PROPOSAL
Please consult here the full position paper.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/ecodesign-for-sustainable-products-regulation-proposal/Consortium of European and global trade bodies publishes peer-reviewed study on the Global Warming Potential assessment of biobased construction products
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/consortium-of-european-and-global-trade-bodies-publishes-peer-reviewed-study-on-the-global-warming-potential-assessment-of-biobased-construction-products/Open letter by Energy Intensive Industries CEOs on ETS and CBAM
Please consult here the full open letter.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/open-letter-by-energy-intensive-industries-ceos-on-ets-and-cbam/Open statement by energy intensive industries Plenary votes on Emissions Trading System and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Please Consult here the full statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/open-statement-by-energy-intensive-industries-plenary-votes-on-emissions-trading-system-and-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS - ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY AND HEALTH & SAFETY - STARTING JULY 2022
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-environment-sustainability-and-health-safety-starting-july-2022/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN ADMINISTRATION, EVENTS & COMMUNICATIONS
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months with a preferred start on July 2022. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before Wednesday 15 June 2022.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-administration-events-communications/ENVI votes on ETS and CBAM put at further risks the decarbonisation investment capacity of the ceramic industry
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/envi-votes-on-ets-and-cbam-put-at-further-risks-the-decarbonisation-investment-capacity-of-the-ceramic-industry/Open Statement by Energy Intensive Industries | ENVI Committee Vote on Emissions Trading System and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Please consult here the full joint statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/open-statement-by-energy-intensive-industries-envi-committee-vote-on-emissions-trading-system-and-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism/Confindustria Ceramica | Memorandum on the current situation facing the Italian ceramic industry
Read Confindustria Ceramica's full memorandum here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/confindustria-ceramica-memorandum-on-the-current-situation-facing-the-italian-ceramic-industry/2022 | Inventory of Research and Innovation Projects in the Ceramic Industry
Please consult here the updated 2022 CU Inventory on R&I Projects in the Ceramic Industry.
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/2022-inventory-of-research-and-innovation-projects-in-the-ceramic-industry/Cerame-Unie's comments on the proposal for a revised Energy Performance Buildings Directive
Please read here Cerame-Unie's comments on the proposal for a revised Energy Performance Buildings Directive.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cerame-unie-s-comments-on-the-proposal-for-a-revised-energy-performance-buildings-directive/JOINT STATEMENT | EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS CALL FOR A DIALOGUE AND PRAGMATIC ACTIONS ON ENERGY SECURITY AND AFFORDABILITY
Please consult here for the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-statement-european-industrial-energy-consumers-call-for-a-dialogue-and-pragmatic-actions-on-energy-security-and-affordability/JOINT STATEMENT | PRIORITISING THE USE OF HIGH-EFFICIENCY COGENERATION BY INDUSTRIAL OPERATORS TO REACH 2030 CLIMATE GOALS
Please consult here the full Joint Statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-statement-prioritising-the-use-of-high-efficiency-cogeneration-by-industrial-operators-to-reach-2030-climate-goals/CERAME-UNIE POSITION PAPER ON CONSTRUCTION ECOSYSTEM
Please consult here for the full position paper.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/cerame-unie-position-paper-on-construction-ecosystem/EUROPEAN ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES | JOINT STATEMENT | REVISION OF THE EU ETS
Please consult here for the full Joint Statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/european-energy-intensive-industries-joint-statement-revision-of-the-eu-ets/SUSTAINABLE DUTCH CLAY EXCAVATION - RENEWABLE RESOURCE ANIMATION
Please consult here for more information and to view the animation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/sustainable-dutch-clay-excavation-renewable-resource-animation/THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT CERAMICS FORUM APPOINTS A NEW CHAIR
Please consult the full press release here. http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/the-european-parliament-ceramics-forum-appoints-a-new-chair/LAUNCH OF CERAMICS FOR BAUHAUS WEBSITE
Please consult here for more information.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/launch-of-ceramics-for-bauhaus-website/EU CHALLENGES EGYPTIAN IMPORT RESTRICTIONS AT THE WTO
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/eu-challenges-egyptian-import-restrictions-at-the-wto/Cerame-Unie Webinar “The New European Bauhaus: Paving the way for a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive built environment with Ceramics” | Wednesday 26 January, 10:00-11:30 (CET) | ZOOM | New Website & Recording
The CU Webinar “The New European Bauhaus: Paving the way for a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive built environment with Ceramics”, took place on Wednesday 26 January and counted with the attendance of more than 120 participants.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-webinar-the-new-european-bauhaus-paving-the-way-for-a-beautiful-sustainable-and-inclusive-built-environment-with-ceramics-wednesday-26-january-10-00-11-30-cet-zoom-new-website-recording/THE SPANISH AND ITALIAN CERAMIC TILE SECTORS MEET IN BRUSSELS WITH THE DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR COMPETITION TO DISCUSS MECHANISMS TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF DECARBONIZATION
Please consult here for the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/the-spanish-and-italian-ceramic-tile-sectors-meet-in-brussels-with-the-directorate-general-for-competition-to-discuss-mechanisms-to-reduce-the-impact-of-decarbonization/2020-2021 CERAME-UNIE ACTIVITY REPORT
Please consult the full Activity Report here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2020-2021-cerame-unie-activity-report/CERAME-UNIE WEBINAR | THE NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS: PAVING THE WAY FOR A BEAUTIFUL, SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE BUILT ENVIRONMENT WITH CERAMICS | 26 JANUARY 2022, 10:00-11:30 (CET) | ZOOM
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-webinar-the-new-european-bauhaus-paving-the-way-for-a-beautiful-sustainable-and-inclusive-built-environment-with-ceramics-26-january-2022-10-00-11-30-cet-zoom/INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS URGE EU LEADERS TO SWIFTLY ACT AGAINST UNBEARABLY HIGH ENERGY PRICES
Please consult here the full joint statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/industrial-energy-consumers-urge-eu-leaders-to-swiftly-act-against-unbearably-high-energy-prices/CERAME-UNIE CALLS FOR ACTION OF THE EU LEADERS ON THE ENERGY AND CARBON PRICES INCREASE
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-calls-for-action-of-the-eu-leaders-on-the-energy-and-carbon-prices-increase/INITIATION OF AN ANTI-DUMPING INVESTIGATION ON IMPORTS OF CERAMIC TILES FROM INDIA AND TURKEY
Please consult the full press release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/initiation-of-an-anti-dumping-investigation-on-imports-of-ceramic-tiles-from-india-and-turkey/2021 EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS | LAUNCH OF THE CERAMIC ROADMAP TO 2050
Please consult the full press release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2021-european-ceramic-days-launch-of-the-ceramic-roadmap-to-2050/CERAME-UNIE’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE PROPOSAL FOR THE NEW GSP REGULATION
Please consult the full response to the public consultation here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/cerame-unie-s-contribution-to-the-public-consultation-on-the-proposal-for-the-new-gsp-regulation/CERAMIC INDUSTRY POSITION ON THE ENERGY TAXATION DIRECTIVE REVIEW
Please consult here the full position paper.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/ceramic-industry-position-on-the-energy-taxation-directive-review/CERAME-UNIE FEEDBACK ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A CARBON BORDER ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM (CBAM)
Please consult the full position paper here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cerame-unie-feedback-on-the-proposal-for-a-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism-cbam/CERAMIC ROADMAP TO 2050 | CONTINUING OUR PATH TOWARDS CLIMATE NEUTRALITY
Please consult here the full Ceramic Roadmap to 2050http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ceramic-roadmap-to-2050-continuing-our-path-towards-climate-neutrality/CERAMIC INDUSTRY POSITION THE EU ETS REVIEW
Please consult here for the full position paper.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ceramic-industry-position-the-eu-ets-review/PRESS RELEASE | PUBLICATION OF THE FIRST REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF EU TRADE AGREEMENTS
Please consult the full press release here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/press-release-publication-of-the-first-report-on-the-implementation-and-enforcement-of-eu-trade-agreements/ENERGY INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES URGE SWIFT ACTION TO TACKLE UNPRECEDENTED ENERGY CRISIS
Please consult here the full position paper.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/energy-intensive-industries-urge-swift-action-to-tackle-unprecedented-energy-crisis/JOINT STATEMENT | AFFORDABLE RENEWABLE ENERGY IS THE LIFEBLOOD OF THE EUROPEAN ENERGY-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES
Please consult here the full joint statement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/joint-statement-affordable-renewable-energy-is-the-lifeblood-of-the-european-energy-intensive-industries/PRESS RELEASE | FAIR CONSTRUCTION RULES JOINT PROJECT COMMENCES
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/press-release-fair-construction-rules-joint-project-commences/PUBLICATION OF THE 39TH ANNUAL REPORT ON THE USE OF TRADE DEFENCE INSTRUMENT
Please consult here the full press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/publication-of-the-39th-annual-report-on-the-use-of-trade-defence-instrument/2021 EUROPEAN CERAMIC DAYS | 15-17 NOVEMBER | HYBRID EVENT
The European Ceramic Days, the pre-eminent policy event for Europe’s ceramic manufacturers, will take place from Monday 15 November until Wednesday 17 November 2021, in Brussels, Belgium and hybrid format.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2021-european-ceramic-days-15-17-november-hybrid-event/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS - CLIMATE, ENERGY & TRADE - STARTING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (1)
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade-starting-as-soon-as-possible-1/VACANCY: INTERNSHIP IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS - ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY AND HEALTH & SAFETY - STARTING OCTOBER 2021 (1)
Please consult here the full vacancy post.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-public-affairs-environment-sustainability-and-health-safety-starting-october-2021-1/Vacancy: Internship in European Public Affairs - Climate, Energy & Trade - Starting as soon as possible
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months starting as soon as possible. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before Friday 3 September 2021.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade-starting-as-soon-as-possible/VACANCY: Internship in Public Affairs - Environment, Sustainability and Health & Safety - Starting October 2021
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months with a preferred start in October 2021. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before Thursday 9 September 2021.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-public-affairs-environment-sustainability-and-health-safety-starting-october-2021/AEGIS EUROPE PRESS RELEASE: CBAM EC proposal
EU industries oppose the automatic phase-out of free allowances, and call for export adjustments and better enforcement provisionshttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/aegis-europe-press-release-cbam-ec-proposal/PUBLICATION OF THE FIT FOR 55 PACKAGE
Please consult HERE Cerame-Unie's Press Release on the publication of the Fit For 55 Package.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/publication-of-the-fit-for-55-package/Energy Intensive Industries’ recommendations to the EU Emission Trading Scheme reform
Please consult HERE the Energy Intensive Industries’ recommendations to the EU Emission Trading Scheme reform.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/energy-intensive-industries-recommendations-to-the-eu-emission-trading-scheme-reform/The New European Bauhaus Partnership
Cerame-Unie is delighted to announce its selection as an official partner of the New European Bauhaus Initiative.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/the-new-european-bauhaus-partnership/Cerame-Unie reply to the Open Public Consultation on the Hydrogen and Gas Market Decarbonisation Package
Please consult HERE the response of Cerame-Unie.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-reply-to-the-open-public-consultation-on-the-hydrogen-and-gas-market-decarbonisation-package/VACANCY: Internship in Public Affairs (environment, sustainability and health & safety)
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months with a preferred start in August 2021. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before Friday 25 June 2021.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-public-affairs-environment-sustainability-and-health-safety/CERAME-UNIE POSITION PAPER ON THE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS INITIATIVE (SPI)
Please consult here the Position Paper of Cerame-Unie.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/cerame-unie-position-paper-on-the-sustainable-products-initiative-spi/Mario Draghi meets the Italian Ceramic Industry
Please consult here the full PRESS RELEASE.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/mario-draghi-meets-the-italian-ceramic-industry/JOINT LETTER | Emilia-Romagna region and Generalitat Valenciana | Review of the ETS State Aid Guidelines
Please consult here the full Joint Letter sent by the Emilia-Romagna region and Generalitat Valenciana, in the context of the ETS and the non-inclusion of ceramic tiles in the list of sectors eligible for compensation for indirect carbon costs.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/joint-letter-emilia-romagna-region-and-generalitat-valenciana-review-of-the-ets-state-aid-guidelines/CU Inventory | Projects on Biodiversity and Protection of Ecosystems
Please consult the CU Inventory here.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/cu-inventory-projects-on-biodiversity-and-protection-of-ecosystems/PUBLICATION OF THE FINAL EXAMINATION REPORT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE TBR INVESTIGATION AGAINST THE SAUDI QUALITY MARK
Please consult HERE the full Cerame-Unie PRESS RELEASE.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/publication-of-the-final-examination-report-in-the-context-of-the-tbr-investigation-against-the-saudi-quality-mark/Roadmap for a greenhouse gas neutral Brick & Roof Tile Industry in Germany
Please consult here the German Brick & Roof Tile Industry Roadmap for greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/roadmap-for-a-greenhouse-gas-neutral-brick-roof-tile-industry-in-germany/Joint Industry Statement | Key messages on the Targeted Stakeholder Survey (TSS) on the E-PRTR Regulation revision
Please consult here the joint statement regarding the key messages on the Targeted Stakeholder Survey (TSS) on the E-PRTR Regulation revision.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/joint-industry-statement-key-messages-on-the-targeted-stakeholder-survey-tss-on-the-e-prtr-regulation-revision/CERAME-UNIE SHARES THE EUROPEAN SHIPPERS COUNCIL’S CONCERNS ABOUT CURRENT DISRUPTION IN GLOBAL TRADE, DUE TO CONTAINER SHORTAGE
Please consult here the joint Press release.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/cerame-unie-shares-the-european-shippers-council-s-concerns-about-current-disruption-in-global-trade-due-to-container-shortage/THE IMPORTANCE OF LINKING THE EU ETS WITH THE UK ETS AHEAD OF COP26 | Joint letter to EC & UK Government
Please consult here the joint letters signed by over 40 UK & EU business groups, addressed to the European Commission and UK Government, to urge them to link the EU & UK Emission Trading Systems, ahead of COP26.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/the-importance-of-linking-the-eu-ets-with-the-uk-ets-ahead-of-cop26-joint-letter-to-ec-uk-government/Joint Industry Statement | Climate change policy options in context of the Targeted Stakeholders Survey on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive
Please consult here the joint statement regarding climate change policy options considered in context of the TSS on the revision of the IED.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/joint-industry-statement-climate-change-policy-options-in-context-of-the-targeted-stakeholders-survey-on-the-revision-of-the-industrial-emissions-directive/Cerame-Unie position on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Please consult here Cerame-Unie's final position on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) revision – impact assessment.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cerame-unie-position-on-the-revision-of-the-energy-performance-of-buildings-directive/The Emilia-Romagna Region and the Comunidad Valenciana meet the Ceramic Industry for a sustainable energy transition
Please consult HERE the Press Release regarding the meeting held between the representatives of the regional institutions and the ceramic industry associations (Confindustria Ceramica & ASCER).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/the-emilia-romagna-region-and-the-comunidad-valenciana-meet-the-ceramic-industry-for-a-sustainable-energy-transition/CERAME-UNIE WELCOMES THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT’S VOTE ON CARBON BORDER ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM (CBAM)
Please consult here the Press Release of Cerame-Unie regarding the EU Parliament's vote on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cerame-unie-welcomes-the-european-parliament-s-vote-on-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism-cbam/AEGIS Europe’s assessment of the EU Parliament vote on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Please consult here the Press Release of AEGIS Europe regarding the EU Parliament vote on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/aegis-europe-s-assessment-of-the-eu-parliament-vote-on-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism-cbam/2021 | INVENTORY OF R&I PROJECTS IN THE CERAMIC INDUSTRY
Please consult here the updated 2021 CU Inventory on R&I Projects in the Ceramic Industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/2021-inventory-of-r-i-projects-in-the-ceramic-industry/VACANCY: Internship in European Public Affairs (climate, energy & trade)
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months with a preferred start on 29 March 2021. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before Wednesday 10 March 2021.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-european-public-affairs-climate-energy-trade/Press Release | Construction Products Europe | French dynamic LCA vs. European harmonised methodology
Please consult here the Press Release of Construction Products Europe regarding the French dynamic LCA vs. European harmonised methodology.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/press-release-construction-products-europe-french-dynamic-lca-vs-european-harmonised-methodology/12 February 2021 │ Cerame-Unie welcomes the adoption of the new Trade Enforcement Regulation
Please consult here Cerame-Unie's press release regarding the new Trade Enforcement Regulation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/12-february-2021-cerame-unie-welcomes-the-adoption-of-the-new-trade-enforcement-regulation/EU Survey | CU response to Public Consultation on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System
Please consult here the CU response to the Public Consultation on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/eu-survey-cu-response-to-public-consultation-on-the-review-of-the-eu-emissions-trading-system/Recommendations | Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries | Review of the EU Emissions Trading System
Please consult here the recommendations from the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/recommendations-alliance-of-energy-intensive-industries-review-of-the-eu-emissions-trading-system/REPORT | CU Cycle of Webinars on Circular Economy
Please consult here the Report with key messages shared by the speakers, during the CU Cycle of Webinars on Circular Economy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/report-cu-cycle-of-webinars-on-circular-economy/CU Reply to the Sustainable Finance public consultations on the Commission Delegated Act (Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation)
Please consult here the CU Position Paper on Sustainable Finance.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cu-reply-to-the-sustainable-finance-public-consultations-on-the-commission-delegated-act-climate-change-adaptation-and-mitigation/CU Position Paper on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Please consult here the CU Position Paper and additional comments on the CBAM.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cu-position-paper-on-the-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism-cbam/EPCF WEBINAR VIDEO | "MAKING THE EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL AND CBAs FIT FOR SMEs?"
Discover the 🗝️ key messages shared by the exceptional speakers of the EPCF Webinar on how to make the EU Green Deal and CBAs fit for SMEs, held in the context of the 2020 European Ceramic Days, on 17 November.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/epcf-webinar-video-making-the-european-green-deal-and-cbas-fit-for-smes/Cerame-Unie response to the public consultation on the review of the Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines
Please consult here the response of Cerame-Unie to the public consultation on the review of the Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-response-to-the-public-consultation-on-the-review-of-the-energy-and-environmental-aid-guidelines/EPCF WEBINAR VIDEO | "TRADE POLICY REVIEW: THE ROAD TO AN OPEN STRATEGIC AUTONOMY"
Discover the 🗝️ key messages shared by the exceptional speakers of the EPCF Webinar on the EU Trade Policy Review, held in the context of the 2020 European Ceramic Days, on 17 November.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/epcf-webinar-video-trade-policy-review-the-road-to-an-open-strategic-autonomy/Cerame-Unie input to the Commission Inception Impact Assessment on the Review of the Environmental Protection and Energy State Aid Guidelines
Please consult here the input of Cerame-Unie to the Commission IIA on the Review of the EEAG.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-input-to-the-commission-inception-impact-assessment-on-the-review-of-the-environmental-protection-and-energy-state-aid-guidelines/VACANCY: Administrative & Communications Traineeship
The position is remunerated and available for 6 months with a preferred start on 1 February 2021. If interested, please send your CV and Motivation Letter, before Friday 11 December 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-administrative-communications-traineeship/Cerame-Unie feedback to the Roadmap on the Revision of the Emission Trading Scheme Directive
Please consult here the feedback of Cerame-Unie to the Roadmap on the Revision of the Emission Trading Scheme Directive.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/cerame-unie-feedback-to-the-roadmap-on-the-revision-of-the-emission-trading-scheme-directive/The European Parliament adopts a Motion for a resolution setting out its priorities for the EU Trade Policy review
Please consult here the Press Release of Cerame-Unie.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade/the-european-parliament-adopts-a-motion-for-a-resolution-setting-out-its-priorities-for-the-eu-trade-policy-review/The project LIFE SUPERHERO is officially online | “Ventilated and permeable roofs for energetic sustainability and efficiency”
Starting from today it is possible to find all the information about ongoing project updates, news, events and much more at: www.lifesuperhero.euhttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/the-project-life-superhero-is-officially-online-ventilated-and-permeable-roofs-for-energetic-sustainability-and-efficiency/CU Response to the TPR Public Consultation
Cerame-Unie’s contribution to the Public Consultation on the EU Trade Policy Review.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade/cu-response-to-the-tpr-public-consultation/EUMICON Digital Conference 2020 | "Recovery. Made in Europe“ | 18 November | 14.30-17.00 | Online event
EUMICON has the pleasure of inviting you to the digital conference "Recovery. Made in Europe", to take place on 18 November.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/eumicon-digital-conference-2020-recovery-made-in-europe-18-november-14-30-17-00-online-event/Inauguration of the new EU trade portal “Access2Markets” by DG TRADE
Please consult here the Press Release of Cerame-Unie regarding the launch of the new EU trade portal “Access2Markets”http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/inauguration-of-the-new-eu-trade-portal-access2markets-by-dg-trade/2020 European Ceramic Days & EPCF Webinars on Trade, Decarbonisation and SMEs
The 2020 European Ceramic Days took place from 16-18 November, via Web Meetings and Live Streamed Webinars, attended by more than 150 participants worldwide.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2020-european-ceramic-days-epcf-webinars-on-trade-decarbonisation-and-smes/CU WEBINAR | “Refractories fostering Energy Intensive Industries’ competitiveness through Circular Economy”| 26 October 2020| 10h00-11h30 | ZOOM
The Webinar "Refractories fostering Energy Intensive Industries’ competitiveness through Circular Economy", took place today Monday 26 October and counted with the attendance of more than 120 participants.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cu-webinar-refractories-fostering-energy-intensive-industries-competitiveness-through-circular-economy-26-october-2020-10h00-11h30-zoom/Informal meeting of EU Trade Ministers and designated Commissioner for Trade, Vice-President Mr Valdis Dombrovskis.
On Monday 21 September 2020, Berlin hosted the first informal summit between the EU Trade Ministers and the designated European Commissioner for Trade Mr Valdis Dombrovskis.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/informal-meeting-of-eu-trade-ministers-and-designated-commissioner-for-trade-vice-president-mr-valdis-dombrovskis/Press Release | Cerame-Unie Position | Review of ETS State Aid Guidelines
Please consult here the Press Release stating the position of Cerame-Unie and the European Ceramic Industry torwards the review of the ETS State Aid Guidelines.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/press-release-cerame-unie-position-review-of-ets-state-aid-guidelines/Cerame-Unie subscribes to AEGIS Europe’s Press Release on WTO reform
Please consult here the AEGIS Europe’s Press Release on WTO reform.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/cerame-unie-subscribes-to-aegis-europe-s-press-release-on-wto-reform/CU WEBINAR | Sustainable Construction through Circular Economy under the Green Deal | 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 | 10h00-11h30
The CU Webinar “Sustainable Construction through Circular Economy under the Green Deal” took place today 30 September 2020 and counted with the attendance of more than 175 participants.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cu-webinar-sustainable-construction-through-circular-economy-under-the-green-deal-30-september-2020-10h00-11h30/CU Position Paper on Renovation Wave
Cerame-Unie’s answer to the European Commission’s public consultation on the Renovation Wave.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cu-position-paper-on-renovation-wave/CU response to WSR Public Consultation
Waste Shipment Regulation revision: Cerame-Unie’s response to the public consultation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/cu-response-to-wsr-public-consultation/The EU Recovery Package: Addressing the most urgent needs and contributing to a more resilient Europe
Ahead of the European Council summit on 17-18 July, Cerame-Unie calls on the Member States to quickly reach an agreement on the Recovery Plan and stresses the urgency of securing immediate access to liquidity particularly for SMEs.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/the-eu-recovery-package-addressing-the-most-urgent-needs-and-contributing-to-a-more-resilient-europe/EC Notice of Initiation | Examination procedure against Saudi Arabia SASO Quality Mark
Commission launches an examination procedure against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on technical requirements affecting European ceramic tiles imports.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ec-notice-of-initiation-examination-procedure-against-saudi-arabia-saso-quality-mark/CLEAN HYDROGEN LETTER | Industry | VP Timmermans
Clean Hydrogen Letter Supported by 33 of Europe’s Biggest Industry Associations and Companies.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/clean-hydrogen-letter-industry-vp-timmermans/Cerame-Unie Brochure on Circular Economy and Sustainability | Best Practices from the Ceramic Industry
Cerame-Unie is delighted to present our Brochure on Circular Economy and Sustainability - Best Practises from the Ceramic Industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-brochure-on-circular-economy-and-sustainability-best-practices-from-the-ceramic-industry/EPCF & CU Webinar “Decarbonisation pathways related to indirect emissions in the Ceramic Industry, under the Green Deal” | 30 JUNE 2020 | 10h00-11h30
The EPCF & CU Webinar “Decarbonisation pathways related to indirect emissions in the Ceramic Industry, under the Green Deal” took place on 30 June 2020 and counted with the attendance of more than 120 participants.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/epcf-cu-webinar-decarbonisation-pathways-related-to-indirect-emissions-in-the-ceramic-industry-under-the-green-deal-30-june-2020-10h00-11h30/VACANCY: Internship in Public Affairs (environment, climate and energy)
The position is available starting from mid August / beginning of September, with a duration of 6 months. If interested, please send your CV and motivation letter before Wednesday 8th July 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-internship-in-public-affairs-environment-climate-and-energy/CU KICK-OFF WEBINAR ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY | 19 JUNE 2020 | 10h00-11h30
The CU Webinar dedicated to discussing the “Opportunities of circular economy for the ceramic industry in the context of the European Green Deal”, took place on 19 June and counted with the attendance of more than 170 participants.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cu-kick-off-webinar-on-circular-economy-19-june-2020-10h00-11h30/Construction Sector request to the European recovery fund for COVID-19
The sector stresses that the European Recovery Fund should include construction as one of the key industrial ecosystems.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/construction-sector-request-to-the-european-recovery-fund-for-covid-19/Circular economy in the ceramic industry Position paper
In thia paper, the European ceramic industry, represented by Cerame-Unie, welcomes this Action Plan and highlights that circularity is one of the key drivers to achieve a carbon-neutral economy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/circular-economy-in-the-ceramic-industry-position-paper/Waste Shipment Regulation revision: Cerame-Unie’s feedback to the inception impact assessment
Cerame-Unie welcomes the upcoming revision of the Waste Shipment Regulation as announced in the new Circular Economy Action Plan adopted by the European Commission on 11 March 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/waste-shipment-regulation-revision-cerame-unie-s-feedback-to-the-inception-impact-assessment/Annual Assembly of the German Refractory Association (Verband der deutschen Feuerfest-Industrie e. V., VDFFI)
The Annual Assembly of the German Refractory Association (Verband der deutschen Feuerfest-Industrie e. V., VDFFI) is scheduled on 18-19 June 2020 and will take place in Braunschweig, Germany.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/annual-assembly-of-the-german-refractory-association-verband-der-deutschen-feuerfest-industrie-e-v-vdffi/Refractories - Key Technology and its Applications
The seminar will give a broad overview on the science and the applications of refractories.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/refractories-key-technology-and-its-applications/63rd ICR International Colloquium on Refractories
The International Conference on Refractories is being held annually, with the topic in 2020 “REFRACTORIES enabling high temperature technologies.”http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/63rd-icr-international-colloquium-on-refractories/AEGIS Press Release: Reaction to the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak
AEGIS Europe calls for adequate use of trade policy instruments to keep EU’s manufacturing industry during and in the aftermath of COVID-19http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/aegis-press-release-reaction-to-the-consequences-of-the-covid-19-outbreak/PRE Position Statement on COVID-19
PRE published a position statement on refractories being an essential industry in regards to COVID-19.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/pre-position-statement-on-covid-19/Construction Sector launches press release on COVID-19
The European construction sector calls for urgent measures to protect workers’ health, support economic activity and accelerate the recovery.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/construction-sector-launches-press-release-on-covid-19/Position Statement by WRA in response to COVID-19
The latest statement from WRA details why refractories should be recognized as a critical industry that must continue to operate during COVID-19.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/position-statement-by-wra-in-response-to-covid-19/Press Release: Ceramic Industry updates regarding to COVID-19
With the impact of the COVID-19 on Europe and throughout the world, the Ceramic Industry is aware of this crisis and stands in solidarity with those who are affected and the EU.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/press-release-ceramic-industry-updates-regarding-to-covid-19/Launch of the European Bathroom Forum Newsletter
The refreshed European Bathroom Forum (EBF) newsletter was launched on 11 March 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/launch-of-the-european-bathroom-forum-newsletter/European Commission adopts new Circular Economy Action Plan
On March 11 2020, the European Commission released its new Circular Economy Action Plan, one of the main blocks of the European Green Deal.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/european-commission-adopts-new-circular-economy-action-plan/Press Release by Confindustria Ceramica on the Coronavirus in Italy
Confindustria Ceramica's press release on the contents of the restrictions introduced in Italy to contain the spread of the Coronavirushttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/press-release-by-confindustria-ceramica-on-the-coronavirus-in-italy/Unified Water Label: Last Updates
On 18 February 2020, FECS hosted the European Bathroom Forum (EBF) meeting in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/unified-water-label-last-updates/PRESS RELEASE: CERAMIC INDUSTRY DISCUSSION WITH TRADE COMMISSIONER PHIL HOGAN ON THE INDUSTRY’S PRIORITIES
On 13 February 2020, a meeting with Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan was hosted in Strasbourg at the initiative of MEP Rodríguez-Piñero, Chair of the EP Ceramics Forum, to discuss the future of the ceramic industry in the EU.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/press-release-ceramic-industry-discussion-with-trade-commissioner-phil-hogan-on-the-industry-s-priorities/Update on the Ceramics BREF Progress
The latest updates on BREF for the ceramic industry which went under revision on 5 June 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/update-on-the-ceramics-bref-progress/Cerame-Unie's feedback on roadmap on Circular Economy Action Plan
On 23 December 2019, the European Commission has published a roadmap on the upcoming Circular Economy Action Plan to be adopted in March 2020. Cerame-Unie has submitted an answer on behalf of the European ceramic industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-s-feedback-on-roadmap-on-circular-economy-action-plan/VACANCY: PAID INTERNSHIP IN EUROPEAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS (STARTING MARCH 2020)
6 month paid internship in European Public Affairs. Interested candidates should send their CV and Motivation Letter by Friday 24 January 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-paid-internship-in-european-public-affairs-starting-march-2020/Market Access Update 2019
Cerame-Unie continuously monitors market access for the European ceramic industry. This 2019 market access update focuses on the Middle East, South America, and Southeast Asia.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/market-access-update-2019/The European Commission presents the Green Deal
On 11 December, the President of the European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen, accompanied by the First Vice-Commissioner and relative Commissioner for Climate Action, Frans Timmermans, unveiled the promised EU Green Deal.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/the-european-commission-presents-the-green-deal/PRESS RELEASE: IMPOSITION OF ANTI-CIRCUMVENTION MEASURES ON IMPORTS OF CERAMIC TABLEWARE AND KITCHENWARE FROM CHINA
On 12 December, the European Commission adopted anti-cirmvention measures on imports of ceramic tableware & kitchenware from China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/press-release-imposition-of-anti-circumvention-measures-on-imports-of-ceramic-tableware-and-kitchenware-from-china/Unified Water Label: next steps towards a voluntary agreement
On 3 December 2019, FECS participated in the European Bathroom Forum (EBF) meeting which took place in Roca Gallery, Barcelona.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/unified-water-label-next-steps-towards-a-voluntary-agreement/SPIRE Stakeholder Workshop
On 3 December 2019, SPIRE held a Stakeholder’s event at the Blue Point Conference Centre. The main objective of the workshop was to discuss the next strategic SPIRE 2050 Roadmap.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/spire-stakeholder-workshop/FEPF appoints Dr. Tillmann Blaschke as incoming President
On 21 November, during the 2019 Ceramic Days, the FEPF (European Federation of Ceramic Table- and Ornamentalware) General Assembly appointed its new president, Dr. Tillmann Blaschke.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/fepf-appoints-dr-tillmann-blaschke-as-incoming-president/Industry4Europe - Press Release
European industries unite to call for an ambitious EU industrial strategyhttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/industry4europe-press-release/Industry4Europe - Joint Paper ‘A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future: from words to action’
Industry4Europe, a coalition of 149 sector Associations representing the diversity of the EU’s industrial base, today published its new Joint Paper ‘A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future: from words to action’.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/industry4europe-joint-paper-a-long-term-strategy-for-europe-s-industrial-future-from-words-to-action/Research and Innovation Workshop during Ceramic Days
On 21 November 2019, the Research and Innovation (R&I) Workshop was held at the Cerame-Unie Office during the European Ceramic Days.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/research-and-innovation-workshop-during-ceramic-days/26th Edition | World Ceramic Tiles Forum | 6-9 November 2019 | Berlin, Germany
The 26th World Ceramic Tiles Forum (WCTF) was hosted on 7 and 8 November in Berlin, Germany, by the European Ceramic Tiles Manufacturers’ Federation (CET) and the Bundesverband Keramische Fliesen (BKF).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/26th-edition-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-6-9-november-2019-berlin-germany/Vacancy: Paid internship in Environment & Technical Affairs (starting January/February 2020)
6 month paid internship in Environment & Technical Affairs. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by Friday 22 November 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-paid-internship-in-environment-technical-affairs-starting-january-february-2020/ETS Innovation fund meeting with Ceramic industry
A workshop on the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) Innovation Fund for the Ceramic Industry with the European Commission took place in Cerame-Unie offices on 11 October 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/ets-innovation-fund-meeting-with-ceramic-industry/16th Biennial Worldwide Congress UNITECR 2019
The 16th Biennial Worldwide Congress UNITECR 2019 is scheduled on 13-16 October 2019 in Yokohama, Japan.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/16th-biennial-worldwide-congress-unitecr-2019/62nd International Colloquium on Refractories
The 62nd International Colloquium on Refractories is scheduled on 25-26 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/62nd-international-colloquium-on-refractories/EU-Canada trade deal celebrates 2nd Anniversary
21 September 2019 marked already the second year of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). With annual trade valued at nearly 100 billion Euros, the EU and Canada are key trading partners.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-canada-trade-deal-celebrates-2nd-anniversary/Inventory of R&I Projects in the Ceramic Industry
The latest list of EU-financed research projects related to the ceramics industry is now available. The non-exhaustive list enumerates on-going and completed projects (updated in June 2019).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/inventory-of-r-i-projects-in-the-ceramic-industry/93 European Associations call for an Ambitious Horizon Europe Programme
EARTO, along with its research and industrial partners representing key European research & innovation stakeholders, have published a 3rd Joint Statement for an Ambitious Horizon Europe Programme.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/93-european-associations-call-for-an-ambitious-horizon-europe-programme/ECREF Seminar: Refractories - key technology and its applications
A seminar event organised by ECREF, in co-operation with PRE, is scheduled on 3-5 September 2019 in Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/ecref-seminar-refractories-key-technology-and-its-applications/Vacancy (Sep 2019): Paid internship in communications
6 month paid internship in communications. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 28 August 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-sep-2019-paid-internship-in-communications/Vacancy (Sep 2019): Paid internship in event management
6 month paid internship in event management. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 28 August 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-sep-2019-paid-internship-in-event-management/EU-Mercosur deal
On 28 June, the EU and Mercosur concluded the political negotiations for a trade agreement, which would be the biggest ever concluded by the EU so far.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-mercosur-deal/European Ceramic Days 2019
The European Ceramic Days, the pre-eminent policy event for Europe’s ceramic manufacturers, will take place from Wednesday, 20 November until Thursday, 21 November 2019 in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/european-ceramic-days-2019/Vacancy (Sep/Oct 2019): Paid internship in Environment & Technical Affairs
6 month paid internship in Environment & Technical Affairs. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 2 August 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-sep-oct-2019-paid-internship-in-environment-technical-affairs/PRE Congress 2019
The PRE Congress 2019 is scheduled on 12-14 June 2019 in Trieste, Italy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/pre-congress-2019/Annual Assembly VDFFI
The Annual Assembly of the German Refractory Industry Association is scheduled on 6-7 June 2019 and will convene in Baden Baden, Germany.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/annual-assembly-vdffi/PRESS RELEASE: Carbon Leakage List
Today, the European Commission published the Carbon Leakage List for Phase IV of the EU Emissions Trading System. All ceramic sectors are officially recognised as exposed to the risk of carbon leakage until 2030http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/press-release-carbon-leakage-list/Report on EU Trade Defence 2018
On 26 April, the European Commission’s DG TRADE organised a Civil Society Dialogue on Trade Defence Instruments (TDI), during which it presented the Report on EU Trade Defence for the year 2018.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/report-on-eu-trade-defence-2018/Food Contact Materials: Public Consultation
On 11 February 2019, the European Commission opened a public consultation to assess the current EU legislative framework for food contact materials.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/food-contact-materials-public-consultation/Update on Titanium Dioxide classification proposal
On 7 March 2019, the REACH Committee vote on whether to classify Titanium Dioxide as a carcinogen was again postponed; new vote scheduled on 8-9 April 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/update-on-titanium-dioxide-classification-proposal/SPIRE Roadmap 2050
Off the back of the SPIRE 2050 Vision, SPIRE is developing its 2050 Roadmap to outline the concrete steps needed to facilitate the industrial transition in the European process industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/spire-roadmap-2050/Unified Water Label - Press Release
FECS welcomes today’s launch of the Unified Water Label at the ISH 2019 fair in Frankfurt. The Unified Water Label is a voluntary and flexible scheme to measure the water consumption of bathroom products.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/unified-water-label-press-release/Industry4Europe - Joint Call to Heads of State & Government
Together with 136 European industry associations, Cerame-Unie has signed the Industry4Europe Joint Call to all Heads of State & Government on industrial policy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/industry4europe-joint-call-to-heads-of-state-government/EP Forum on Fair Competition in International Trade: Manifesto Launch
On 5 March 2019, AEGIS Europe organised together with Iuliu Winkler MEP (Vice-Chair, EP INTA Committee) a launch event of the European Parliament Forum on Fair Competition in International Trade & Law Enforcement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/ep-forum-on-fair-competition-in-international-trade-manifesto-launch/NEPSI Roadmap
On 26 February 2019, NEPSI, the European Network for Silica, launched a Joint Declaration on a roadmap of actions for the future development of the Social Dialogue Agreement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/nepsi-roadmap/CMD 2 signed by Parliament and Council
On 11 December, the 2nd batch of the Carcinogens & Mutagens Directive was adopted by the European Parliament and approved by the Council on 20 December 2018. The act entered into force on 20 February 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/cmd-2-signed-by-parliament-and-council/Vacancy (Feb 2019): Paid internship in European Public Affairs (trade & competitiveness)
6 month paid internship in European Public Affairs with a focus on trade policy and competitiveness. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 27 February 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/vacancy-feb-2019-paid-internship-in-european-public-affairs-trade-competitiveness/EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement enters into force
On 1 February 2019, the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement, the Economic Partnership Agreement, officially entered into force. European ceramics will benefit from zero tariffs from day one.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-japan-economic-partnership-agreement-enters-into-force/European Commission's 2018 study on energy prices and costs in Europe published
The European Commission has published the third report on energy prices and costs in Europe for 2018.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/european-commission-s-2018-study-on-energy-prices-and-costs-in-europe-published/HARMONI Summit
On 16-17 January, the 2019 HARMONI Summit successfully took place, and was organised by the H2020-project HARMONI, which is funded by the European Commission.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/harmoni-summit/Cerame-Unie nominated for Best European Association - European Association Awards 2019
Cerame-Unie has been nominated for Best European Association at the European Association Awards 2019 for its exemplary representation of industry at the EU-level. The awards ceremony takes place 28 March in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-nominated-for-best-european-association-european-association-awards-2019/Cerame-Unie seeks an intern in environment and technical affairs
6 month paid internship in European environmental affairs with a focus on the technical aspects of environmental policy. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 20 January 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-an-intern-in-environment-and-technical-affairs/The European Parliament ratifies EU-Japan EPA
The European Parliament has ratified the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement with more then 400 votes in favor.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/the-european-parliament-ratifies-eu-japan-epa/Cerame-Unie Manifesto 2019-24
Supporting 600,000 jobs to produce a vast array of unrivalled products, and a production value of €31bn, our Manifesto calls policymakers to action to support this indispensable industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-manifesto-2019-24/Cerame-Unie featured in EU PROTECTS Campaign
Cerame-Unie took part in the recently launched EU campaign “EU PROTECTS”. The campaign showcases the various areas in which the EU protects citizen’s safety, health, environment, and society.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/cerame-unie-featured-in-eu-protects-campaign/Energy-intensive industry joint press release on EU industrial strategy and climate change
Energy-intensive industries call for an ambitious and comprehensive EU Industrial Strategy to enable industry’s contribution to the EU long-term GHG goals.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/energy-intensive-industry-joint-press-release-on-eu-industrial-strategy-and-climate-change/CU at the EU Trade Policy Day 2018
Cerame-Unie took part at the EU Trade Policy Day 2018. The event gathered together several business organisations, policymakers and stakeholders to discuss and debate on the latest developments and challenges in international trade.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/cu-at-the-eu-trade-policy-day-2018/EU Free Trade Agreements – State of play November 2018
Cerame-Unie participated in a number of meetings and working groups on EU Trade Policy. The most recent updates involve Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Mercosur, Australia and New Zealand.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-free-trade-agreements-state-of-play-november-2018/JOB VACANCY: Construction & Sustainability Manager
Construction & Sustainability Manager working on sustainable construction, circular economy, energy efficiency of buildings and more. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 30 November 2018.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/job-vacancy-construction-sustainability-manager/CMD 2 agreement goes to trilogue
On 26 October 2018, the European Parliament and the Council agreed on the Commission's second proposal to broaden the list of recognised cancer-causing chemicals in the workplace.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/cmd-2-agreement-goes-to-trilogue/Trade Defence Instruments High-Level Conference
On 26 October 2018, Cerame-Unie participated to the 1st Yearly High-Level Conference on Trade Defence Instruments, organised by the Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/trade-defence-instruments-high-level-conference/High-Level Conference on Trade Defence Instruments
Cerame-Unie participated to the 1st Yearly High-Level Conference on Trade Defence Instruments hosted by Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/high-level-conference-on-trade-defence-instruments/LIFE CERSUDS: fighting climate change with ceramic tiles
LIFE CERSURDS presents its new Urban Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) project which, co-financed by the European Commission, uses ceramic tiles to mitigate flooding and reuse rainwater; reducing the impact of climate change.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/life-cersuds-fighting-climate-change-with-ceramic-tiles/Industry4Europe - Joint Call to Candidates for European elections 2019
Together with 135 European industry associations, Cerame-Unie has signed the Industry4Europe Joint Call to Candidates for European elections 2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/industry4europe-joint-call-to-candidates-for-european-elections-2019/HARMONI Project on regulatory bottlenecks
Harmonised assessment of regulatory bottleneck and standardisation needs for the process industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/harmoni-project-on-regulatory-bottlenecks/Cerame-Unie signs a Joint-statement supporting trade deal between EU and Japan
Cerame-Unie together with 27 business organisations signed a Joint-Statement reiterating their strong support for the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between EU and Japan.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/cerame-unie-signs-a-joint-statement-supporting-trade-deal-between-eu-and-japan/SPIRE Vision 2050
SPIRE together with experts in the field has developed the SPIRE 2050 Vision document, an ambitious document with the objective of driving the Process Industry forward towards a sustainable future and within the framework of Horizon Europe.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/spire-vision-2050/Cerame-Unie meets with DG TRADE, European Commission
On 10 October 2018, Cerame-Unie and industry representatives met with officials of DG TRADE on issues of market access and trade defence.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/cerame-unie-meets-with-dg-trade-european-commission/European Commission Food Contact Materials Stakeholder workshop
On 24 September, the European Commission began the evaluation process for the EU’s food contact materials legislation with a stakeholder workshop.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/european-commission-food-contact-materials-stakeholder-workshop/Energy-intensive industries call for an ambitious EU Industrial Strategy to help the industry better contribute to the EU long-term GHG goals
A new and integrated EU industrial strategy for energy- intensive industries is required to complete a transition to a low-carbon economy in the EUhttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/energy-intensive-industries-call-for-an-ambitious-eu-industrial-strategy-to-help-the-industry-better-contribute-to-the-eu-long-term-ghg-goals/One year of CETA
September 2018 marked the one year anniversary of the provisional entry into force of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada (CETA). European ceramic exports to Canada increased by 5% in 2017, reaching €231m.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/one-year-of-ceta/Ceramic industry submits carbon leakage status request
Three ceramic sectors submit qualitative assessment applications to be considered under the carbon leakage list for the EU Emission Trading System phase 4 (2021-2030).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ceramic-industry-submits-carbon-leakage-status-request/Cerame-Unie seeks an intern in climate and energy policy
6 month paid internship in European Public Affairs with a focus on climate and energy policy. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 27 August 2018.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-an-intern-in-climate-and-energy-policy/European Ceramic Days 2018
The European Ceramic Days, the pre-eminent policy event for Europe’s ceramic manufacturers, took place from Tuesday 4 December until Wednesday 5 December 2018 in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/european-ceramic-days-2018/Joint press release on EU ETS post-2020
Recent EU level negotiations concerning the application of the Emissions Trading System after 2020 jeopardise the activity and competitiveness of upstream industries such as mining, carbon and graphite, and refractories.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/joint-press-release-on-eu-ets-post-2020/European Water Label - Press Release
The European Bathroom Forum is pleased to announce closer progress towards 80% brand coverage for the European Water Label initiative.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/european-water-label-press-release/EPCF Lunch on Food Contact Materials
On 26 June, the EPCF Informal Lunch Debate on the revision of the Directive (EC) 84/500/EEC, "the Ceramic Directive".http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/epcf-lunch-on-food-contact-materials/Industry4Europe - Joint Paper on a Governance Structure
Together with 132 European industry associations, Cerame-Unie has signed the Industry4Europe Joint Paper on Governance for an ambitious EU industrial strategy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/industry4europe-joint-paper-on-a-governance-structure/Cerame-Unie seeks an intern in trade policy
6 month paid internship in European Public Affairs with a focus on trade policy. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 15 July 2018.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-an-intern-in-trade-policy/European roof tiles and brick executives attend the 2018 TBE Congress
The 2018 TBE Congress took place on 21-22 June in Gdańsk, Poland, hosted by the Employers Association of Building Ceramics and TBE. It gathered around 100 executives from tiles and bricks companies and national associations from all over Europe.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/european-roof-tiles-and-brick-executives-attend-the-2018-tbe-congress/Ceramic tiles executives attend the CET Congress 2018 in Krakow
The 2018 CET Congress took place on 14-16 June in Krakow, Poland, hosted by the Polish Ceramic Association. It gathered 25 executives from tiles and bricks companies and national associations from all over Europe.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/ceramic-tiles-executives-attend-the-cet-congress-2018-in-krakow/Cerame-Unie infographic video
Cerame-Unie is very happy to present our infographic animated video on the European ceramics industry. The video introduces to audiences the multitude of applications and uses for ceramic products in our everyday lives, as consumers and as industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-infographic-video/REACH & OSH Discussion at the European Parliament
On the 5th of June the cross industry initiative for a better regulation in chemicals management (CII) organised a European Parliament dinner debate on “enhancing synergies between REACH and OSH”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/reach/reach-osh-discussion-at-the-european-parliament/2018 PRE CONGRESS
2018 PRE CONGRESShttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2018-pre-congress/Meeting the global challenge: a modern trade defence system
Cerame-Unie welcomes the adoption of the modernisation of the EU's trade defence instruments. A robust trade defence system should ensure that free trade remains fair trade.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/meeting-the-global-challenge-a-modern-trade-defence-system/Cerame-Unie has updated its privacy policy
In line with the latest entry into force of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, Cerame-Unie has updated its privacy policy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-has-updated-its-privacy-policy/European Parliament approves Revised Waste Framework Directive
On Wednesday 18 April 2018, the European Parliament adopted four legislative proposals of the revised Waste Framework Directive. The package sets out EU waste management targets for the period until 2035.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/european-parliament-approves-revised-waste-framework-directive/Energy Performance of Buildings Directive adopted
After approval by the European Parliament, the European Council adopted the revised Energy Performance in Buildings Directive, completing the final stage in the legislative procedure.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/energy-performance-of-buildings-directive-adopted/Expiry Review of anti-dumping duties on ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China
The European Federation of Ceramic Table- and Ornamentalware welcomes the publication by the European Commission of a Notice of Initiation of the expiry review of the anti-dumping measures on imports of ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/expiry-review-of-anti-dumping-duties-on-ceramic-tableware-and-kitchenware-from-china/Carcinogens & Mutagens (Batch 2): Vote and trilogue negotiations
Agreement close amongst the EU institutions on the second revision of the Carcinogens & Mutagens Directive.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/carcinogens-mutagens-batch-2-vote-and-trilogue-negotiations/Preliminary Carbon Leakage List published
The European Commission today published the Preliminary Carbon Leakage List for EU ETS phase 4 (2021-2030). Some ceramic sectors are included on the list whilst some sectors are eligible for a 2nd level assessment based on qualitative criteria.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/preliminary-carbon-leakage-list-published/Inventory of R&I Projects in the Ceramics Industry
The latest list of EU-financed research projects related to the ceramics industry is now available. The non-exhaustive list enumerates on-going and completed projects as of February 2018.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/inventory-of-r-i-projects-in-the-ceramics-industry/Food Contact Materials meeting with the European Commission
Representatives from the European ceramics industry met with officials from the European Commission to exchange on the latest review of Food Contact Materials legislation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/food-contact-materials-meeting-with-the-european-commission/HARMONI Conference
On 26 April, a HARMONI workshop took place. The Workshop identified common challenges and visions for those industrial sectors seeking to overcome regulatory bottlenecks and pursue breakthrough technologies.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/harmoni-conference/CARACAL meeting: Titanium Dioxide update
CARACAL technical meeting on TiO2 held 23 April in Brussels. Member States remain divided over whether TiO2 should be considered for the Adaptation to Technical Progress (ATP). CU does not support moving Titanium Dioxide to be considered under ATP.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/caracal-meeting-titanium-dioxide-update/Coal Tar Pitch meeting with ECHA
Eurometaux organised a technical meeting with the European Chemicals Agency to discuss authorisation applications of coal tar pitch. Refractory Products Europe, a Cerame-Unie member, was in attendance.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/coal-tar-pitch-meeting-with-echa/Ceramic industry answers the public consultation on the Construction Products Regulation
Cerame-Unie replied to the European Commission’s consultation on reviewing the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Cerame-Unie highlighted that the CPR should not be repealed and that it is an essential policy for the industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/ceramic-industry-answers-the-public-consultation-on-the-construction-products-regulation/1st Common European Seminar on REACH – CLP – Occupational Safety
European Seminar on REACH – CLP – Occupational Safety - Challenges for the Refractory Industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/1st-common-european-seminar-on-reach-clp-occupational-safety/Cerame-Unie seeks a Office Manager
Cerame-Unie is looking for a Office Manager. The Office Manager under the supervision of the Director General will take care of office management (including finances, payroll administration, facilities, legal, IT and administration)http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-a-office-manager/Industry4Europe - Joint Paper on Setting Indicators
Together with 130 European industry associations, Cerame-Unie has signed the Industry4Europe Joint Paper on Setting Indicators for an ambitious EU industrial strategy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/industry/industrial-policy/industry4europe-joint-paper-on-setting-indicators/ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL MEETING FOR EUROPEAN BATHROOM FORUM
A solid, credible and industry wide acceptable European wide Water Label, which can be viewed by the European Commission as a Voluntary Agreement, is a step closer following the last European Bathroom Forum (EBF) meeting held in Frankfurt.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/another-successful-meeting-for-european-bathroom-forum/European Council conclusions on climate strategy for the mid-century
The European Council has called upon the European Commission to develop a long-term EU greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy to implement the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The strategy is expected to be finalised by 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/european-council-conclusions-on-climate-strategy-for-the-mid-century/CERAME-UNIE SEEKS A EUROPEAN PUBLIC AFFAIRS INTERN (FOCUS ON TRADE POLICY)
Cerame-Unie is looking for an intern in European Public Affairs (focus on trade policy). The intern will gain practical knowledge and better understanding of EU institutions and international processes while carrying out different tasks.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-a-european-public-affairs-intern-focus-on-trade-policy/Reviewed EU ETS (phase 4) Directive published
The reviewed EU ETS Directive, Directive (EU) 2018/410, was today published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Directive will provide the legal basis for the implementing legislation of phase 4 of the EU Emissions Trading System.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/reviewed-eu-ets-phase-4-directive-published/Ceramic industry participates in the European Commission study on energy prices and costs
The EU ceramics industry is participating in the European Commission study on energy prices and costs for the third consecutive time. These reports are vital for energy-intensive industries such as ceramics.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/ceramic-industry-participates-in-the-european-commission-study-on-energy-prices-and-costs/Progress towards a European Water Label
Continued progress on a single voluntary European Water Label covering the European sanitaryware sector, with 80% of brand coverage in reach.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/progress-towards-a-european-water-label/Fifth meeting of the Thematic Group 5 on "International Competitiveness"
The fifth meeting of thematic Group 5 on "International Competitiveness" of the construction industry explored internationalisation of SMEs, the External Investment plan, and more.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/fifth-meeting-of-the-thematic-group-5-on-international-competitiveness/European Commission High level expert group on energy intensive industries
The European Commission held the 3rd meeting of the High Level Expert Group on Energy Intensive Industries on 28 February, at which Cerame-Unie participated in its capacity as a member.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/european-commission-high-level-expert-group-on-energy-intensive-industries/Boosting Europe’s Future Competitiveness as Key Priority for FP9
The 25 signatories of this Joint Declaration, are ready to strengthen our cooperation with the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union to define and implement an ambitious FP9.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/boosting-europe-s-future-competitiveness-as-key-priority-for-fp9/A.SPIRE seeks a Project/Programme Manager (M/F)
A.SPIRE s looking for a Project/Programme Manager responsible of having an overview of SPIRE projects and SPIRE calls within H2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/a-spire-seeks-a-project-programme-manager-m-f/PEF4Buildings Stakeholder Workshop
Second meeting of the Product Environmental Footprint 4 Buildings (PEF4BUILDINGS) Stakeholder Workshop discussed the application of the PEF method to new office builds.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/pef4buildings-stakeholder-workshop/HARMONI Project
It was in this context that the European Commission launched the HARMONI project within the framework of SPIRE in the Horizon 2020 programme.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/harmoni-project/CPR update
On 20 June 2017, the European Commission launched the public consultation “Evaluation and possible revision of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)” to collect input from stakeholders on the future of this regulation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/cpr-update/European Parliament adopts negotiating position on Clean Energy for All Europeans
The European Parliament has today adopted its position on three Clean Energy package dossiers: the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), and the Governance of the Energy Union Regulation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/european-parliament-adopts-negotiating-position-on-clean-energy-for-all-europeans/The Water Label
The Water Label is a voluntary industry led Scheme. It has evolved across the European Bathroom Industry over 12 years.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/the-water-label/FCM REVISION ROADMAP
Food contact materials (FCMs) are all materials that come into contact with food including packaging as well as every-day items such as kitchen and table ware and those used in professional food manufacturing, preparation, storage and distribution.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/fcm-revision-roadmap/Staff changes at CERAME-UNIE
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/staff-changes-at-cerame-unie/CARCINOGENS AND MUTAGENS DIRECTIVE, FIRST WAVE OF AMENDMENTS – PUBLISHED IN OFFICIAL JOURNAL
On 11 July 2017, the COREPER voted an agreement reached by the Council presidency, the European Commission and the European Parliament on a new Directive to protect the workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens in the workplacehttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/carcinogens-and-mutagens-directive-first-wave-of-amendments-published-in-official-journal/New EU anti-dumping methodology and China country report published
On 19 December, the European Union published in the Official Journal of the European Union the new regulation on anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/new-eu-anti-dumping-methodology-and-china-country-report-published/Market surveillance regulation & mutual recognition regulation (proposals)
On Tuesday 19 December, the Commission released an amended proposal on market surveillance, COM(2017) 795 final , which was accompanied by a second proposal on the mutual recognition of non-harmonised products, COM(2017) 796 final .http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/market-surveillance-regulation-mutual-recognition-regulation-proposals/Ceramics BREF postponed until at least 2019
The Ceramic BREF is an important document for the ceramic industry as it provides the legal basis for factory permits in the EU under the Industrial Emissions Directive.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/ceramics-bref-postponed-until-at-least-2019/New EU project for the Ceramic’s Industry: ETEKINA
The objective of ETEKINA project is to improve the energy performance of industrial processes.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/new-eu-project-for-the-ceramic-s-industry-etekina/Annual meeting of the World Ceramic Tiles Forum in China
The 24th World Ceramic Tiles Forum (WCTF) was hosted on 30 November and 1 December in Guangzhou, Guang-dong Province, China, by the Chinese Building Ceramics Association (CBCSA) and the Xian Yang Research & Design Institute of Ceramics (CNBM).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/annual-meeting-of-the-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-china/EPBD updates
On 30 November 2016, the European Commission announced the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) as part of the new set of legislation, called the Clean Energy Package for All Europeans.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/epbd-updates/EU measures tackling Chinese dumping of ceramic tiles renewed after expiry review
The European Ceramic Tiles Manufacturers Federation (CET) welcomes today’s publication of Regulation (EU) 2017/2179 renewing EU anti-dumping measures on imports of Chinese ceramic wall & floor tiles for another period of 5 years.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/eu-measures-tackling-chinese-dumping-of-ceramic-tiles-renewed-after-expiry-review/Commission study assesses regulatory costs for the EU Ceramic Industry
A Commission study has assessed the cumulative cost of implementing regulation for the European ceramic industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/commission-study-assesses-regulatory-costs-for-the-eu-ceramic-industry/COP 23: organised by Fiji in partnership with Germany
COP 23 takes place from 6 to 17 November 2017 in Bonn, Germany and is presided by Fiji.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cop-23-organised-by-fiji-in-partnership-with-germany/EU ETS directive trilogue negotiations finalized
The European Parliament, European Commission and the Council reached an agreement on the reform of the EU ETS Directive for the period post-2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/eu-ets-directive-trilogue-negotiations-finalized/Call from the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries to safeguard the competitiveness dimension of the Energy Union
Th Energy Intensive Industries are calling for attention from decision makers on this particular dimension, especially in the context of the Clean Energy Package.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/call-from-the-alliance-of-energy-intensive-industries-to-safeguard-the-competitiveness-dimension-of-the-energy-union/Analysis of the Cumulative Cost Assessment of the EU Ceramics Industry
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), in partnership with Economisti Associati and Ecorys Brussels, carried out the “Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glass industries” for the European Commission.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/analysis-of-the-cumulative-cost-assessment-of-the-eu-ceramics-industry/For an ambitious EU industrial strategy: going further
Cerame-Unie along with 125 European industrial associations co-signed the joint Reaction Paper “For an ambitious EU industrial strategy: going further”http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/for-an-ambitious-eu-industrial-strategy-going-further/60th International Colloquium on Refractories 2017
On 18 October, PRE attended the 60th International Colloquium on Refractories 2017in Aachen, Germany hosted by the European Centre for Refractories (ECREF) and German Refractory Industry Association (VDFFI).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/60th-international-colloquium-on-refractories-2017/CU position on the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
Learn more about the Ceramic industry position on the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cu-position-on-the-clean-energy-for-all-europeans-package/2017 European Ceramic Days
The European Ceramic Days, the preeminent policy event for Europe’s ceramic manufacturers, will take place from Tuesday 21 November until Wednesday 22 November.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2017-european-ceramic-days/UNITECR 2017
PRE attended the 15th Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories in Santiago de Chile on 26-29 September.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/unitecr-2017/2nd World Refractories Association General Assembly
The Second World Refractories Association General Assembly took place on 27 September in Santiago de Chile, in the context of the UNITECR 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2nd-world-refractories-association-general-assembly/European Bathroom Forum - Water Label gaining more and more supporters
The European Bathroom Industry took a major step forward during the CERSAIE Ceramic Fair in Bologna Italy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/european-bathroom-forum-water-label-gaining-more-and-more-supporters/FIRST EU PROCESS INDUSTRY CONFERENCE
A.SPIRE is organized the first European Process Industry Conference that took place on 19th to 21st September 2017 in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/first-eu-process-industry-conference/EU-CETA update
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada provisionally entered into force on 21 September 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-ceta-update/Delegated act – Clay Roof Tiles – EN1304
The Commission delegated act on the classification of frost resistance performance for clay tiles under EN 1304 was cited on 17 August 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/delegated-act-clay-roof-tiles-en1304/Cerame-Unie position on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
Energy efficient construction and renovation contribute to people’s well-being and productivity, and help tackling today’s challenges: they create local jobs, contribute to reducing energy poverty and to the fight against climate change.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cerame-unie-position-on-the-revision-of-the-energy-performance-of-buildings-directive-epbd/3rd European Seminar on Refractories - Key Technology and its Applications
On 5 to 7 September 2017, ECREF, the European Centre for Refractories and PRE co-organised for the 3rd time a seminar on refractories.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/3rd-european-seminar-on-refractories-key-technology-and-its-applications/CU Position Paper on the future of the CPR
The Construction Products Regulation (CPR), which replaced the Construction Products Directive (CPD), entered into full force in July 2013.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/cu-position-paper-on-the-future-of-the-cpr/Guidance for the DoP and CE marking of sanitary appliances
This guidance paper is drafted by the technical experts the European trade association for ceramic sanitary ware (FECS) chaired by the German trade association for ceramic sanitary ware (FSKI).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/guidance-for-the-dop-and-ce-marking-of-sanitary-appliances/An Ambitious FP9 Strengthening Europe’s Industrial Leadership – Joint Declaration by Industry and RTOs
Cerame-Unie, along with 24 other industry and research stakeholders, calls on the European Union to develop an ambitious successor to Horizon 2020 to support industry’s contribution to research and innovation (R&I).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/an-ambitious-fp9-strengthening-europe-s-industrial-leadership-joint-declaration-by-industry-and-rtos/The European Bathroom Forum promotes the creation of an environmental label for the bathroom space
In a meeting held in Barcelona on the 11th July, the European Bathroom Forum defined the next steps to be taken in order to implement the Water Label initiative.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/the-european-bathroom-forum-promotes-the-creation-of-an-environmental-label-for-the-bathroom-space/NEPSI Signatories Press Release
The Council and European Parliament has reached an agreement on the first wave revision of the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (CMD). Both Council and Parliament are now expected to adopt the text in September 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/nepsi-signatories-press-release/Cerame-Unie position paper on the revision of the EPBD
On 30 November 2016 the European Commission published the “Clean Energy package”, a set of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition is changing the global energy markets.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cerame-unie-position-paper-on-the-revision-of-the-epbd/LifeHerotile project
LifeHerotile is a European research project (Life programme) that will facilitate the development and implementation of energy savings approaches, through the development of roof tiles able to increase their underlay ventilation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/lifeherotile-project/Market access and trade barriers
During the first half of the year the European Ceramic industry has faced trade barriers in some northern African countries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/market-access-and-trade-barriers/TRIALOGUE NEGOTIATIONS ON NEW AD METHODOLOGY
EU ambassadors approved the Council's position on a new anti-dumping methodology regarding basic anti-dumping regulation and asked the Maltese presidency to open negotiations with the European Parliament.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/trialogue-negotiations-on-new-ad-methodology/NEW STAFF at CERAME-UNIE
Daniela Vigilante takes on the the Environment and Innovation Manager position and Inês Ferrão takes on the Assistant to Sectorial Projects and Administrative Support position.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/new-staff-at-cerame-unie/Consultation on the review of the Construction Products Regulation
On 20 June, the European Commission launched the public consultation “Evaluation and possible revision of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR)” to collect input from stakeholders on the future of this regulation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/consultation-on-the-review-of-the-construction-products-regulation/2017 CET Congress
The European Ceramic Tiles Manufacturers’ Federation (CET) held its annual congress in Còrdoba from 15 to 17 June 2017http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2017-cet-congress/Finance for Innovation: Final Event
The EC proposal for the EU ETS Directive review, published in July 2015, includes provisions to set up an Innovation Fund.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/finance-for-innovation-final-event/Circular Economy Monitoring Framework
As a member of the Raw Materials Supply Group, Cerame-Unie was invited to attend a meeting with the European Commission and Eurostat on 18 May 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/circular-economy-monitoring-framework/CU Trade Working Group meeting with DG Trade
CU Trade Working Group met with DG Trade.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cu-trade-working-group-meeting-with-dg-trade/A.SPIRE publishes viewpoint paper on FP9 “The SPIRE PPP – Creating a visible impact on the EU’s competitiveness”
A.SPIRE, the European Association that manages the Sustainable Process Industry Public-Private Partnership (SPIRE), has publishes its viewpoint paper on Framework Partnership Nine (FP9).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/a-spire-publishes-viewpoint-paper-on-fp9-the-spire-ppp-creating-a-visible-impact-on-the-eu-s-competitiveness/Circular Economy Industry Platform
On 7 June 2017, Cerame-Unie participated in Business Europe’s “High-level event on circular economy”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/circular-economy-industry-platform/Action Plan for nature, people and the economy
Cerame-Unie attended a joint European Commission and Committee of the Regions conference to launch “An Action Plan for nature, people, and the economy”http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/action-plan-for-nature-people-and-the-economy/2017 Membership update
New TBE President and new FEPF Vice-Presidenthttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2017-membership-update/Launch of the European Bathroom Forum
The kick-off meeting of the European Bathroom Forum (EBF) took place on 22 May at the Cerame-Unie offices in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/launch-of-the-european-bathroom-forum/SHAREBOX presented at 7th Impact Workshop on cPPPs
The 7th Impact Workshop on the contractual PPPs, organised by the European Commission, took place on the 17 May 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/sharebox-presented-at-7th-impact-workshop-on-cppps/STATEMENT ON THE CLEAN ENERGY FOR ALL EUROPEANS PACKAGE
Statement from the Alliance of Energy Intensive industries on the Clean Energy for all Europeans package.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/statement-on-the-clean-energy-for-all-europeans-package/DryFiciency SPIRE Project
The DryFiciency project (H2020/SPIRE) involving 3 demonstrations, including one in the bricks & roof tiles sector (Wienerberger), was presented at the DecarbHeat conference on 11/12 May.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/dryficiency-spire-project/“No trade off on Fairness” - Fair EU ETS Alliance recommendations
The Alliance of 17 energy intensive sectors published its recommendations entitled: “No trade off on Fairness”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/no-trade-off-on-fairness-fair-eu-ets-alliance-recommendations/HARMONI
In April 2017, the HARMONI project was notified that it would receive funding from the European Union.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/harmoni/European Water Label at ISH Frankfurt 2017
The European Water Label (EWL) was present at ISH Frankfurt on 14-17 March 2017,http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/european-water-label-at-ish-frankfurt-2017/CU Board of Presidents meeting with Deputy Directors General of DG Grow & DG Trade
On the occasion of the Board of Presidents meeting in Brussels of 19 April, CU President and Presi-dents of PRE, TBE and FEPF met Deputy Director of DG Trade Joost Korte on 20 April.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cu-board-of-presidents-meeting-with-deputy-directors-general-of-dg-grow-dg-trade/Water For Life Magazine
The European Water Label (EWL), is a simple and voluntary scheme that measures the water consumption of bathroom products.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/water-for-life-magazine/Cerame-Unie seeks an Administrative assistant
Position with a permanent contract and an attractive benefits package. This full-time position is available starting from 15 April 2017. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 27 March 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-an-administrative-assistant/EC study on Energy prices and costs in the ceramic industry
On Wed, March 8th Cerame-Unie hosted a workshop on “Energy prices and costs in the ceramic industry”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/ec-study-on-energy-prices-and-costs-in-the-ceramic-industry/Industry mutual cooperation toward one labelling scheme
To launch the next phase of development in the journey of labelling water and energy bathroom products, a meeting of interested parties will discuss and debate the findings of recent Industry discussions.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/industry-mutual-cooperation-toward-one-labelling-scheme/INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING ON EU TRADE DEFENCE INSTRUMENTS
Renaud Batier, DG of Cerame-Unie spoke as Vice-Chair of AEGIS Europe in the second panel of the International Trade Committee public hearing on EU Trade Defence Instruments.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/international-trade-committee-public-hearing-on-eu-trade-defence-instruments/Press Release: The EP votes for fair and highly ambitious EU ETS
Strasbourg- 15 February 2017. Today the European Parliament has adopted its position on the EU ETS Directive review for the post 2020 period ahead of the inter-institutional trilogue.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/press-release-the-ep-votes-for-fair-and-highly-ambitious-eu-ets/European Parliament approves CETA
After a debate in the Strasbourg Plenary the European Parliament voted in favour of CETA agreement with 408 positive votes, 254 objections and 33 abstentions.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/european-parliament-approves-ceta/2017 PRE Congress
The PRE Congress will take place from 7 to 9 June 2016 in Chester, UK.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2017-pre-congress/Cerame-Unie position on CMD
Ahead of the vote in the EP Employment and Social Affairs Committee on the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive, scheduled for 28 February, the European ceramic industry has prepared its position position on the amendments tabled.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/cerame-unie-position-on-cmd/Energy-intensive sectors call on MEPs to reject any "tiered approach"
the signatories of this paper, are under direct impact of the EU ETS and are recognized as exposed to carbon, investment and employment leakage.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/energy-intensive-sectors-call-on-meps-to-reject-any-tiered-approach/Cerame-Unie Seeks a Environment and Innovation Manager
Position with a permanent contract and an attractive benefits package. This full-time position is available starting from 1 March 2017. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 8 February 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-a-environment-and-innovation-manager/MES CHINA ACTION GROUP DEBATE ON TDI
Cerame-Unie attended the MES China Action Group debate of the European Parliament.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/mes-china-action-group-debate-on-tdi/European Water Label update
The European Water Label (EWL) is growing and gaining visibility through Europe. Currently, the EWL has 115 brands and more than 10,000 products registered onto the scheme.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/european-water-label-update/Cerame-Unie Position Paper on Waste
The European Commission published the new circular economy package to shift from a linear to a more circular economy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/cerame-unie-position-paper-on-waste/2017 Membership updates
Every January brings about changes to Cerame-Unie's membership. In 2017, a new presidents and a national association join the umbrella associationhttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2017-membership-updates/Next EuTeCer meeting in April 2017
The next EuTeCer meeting will take place on Monday 24 April, from 16:00h to 18:00h at the Hannover Messe in Hanover, Germany.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/next-eutecer-meeting-in-april-2017/POST 2020 EU ETS REVIEW – NEGOTIATIONS STATE OF PLAY
The negotiations on the post 2020 EU ETS directive review progressed significantly in the last month, however are still far from finalization.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/post-2020-eu-ets-review-negotiations-state-of-play/2017 TBE Congress
The 2017 TBE Congress will take place on 22-23 June in Nice, France will gather 100 executives from tiles and bricks companies and associations from all over Europe.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2017-tbe-congress/Ceramic BREF Revision
The official start of the revision of the Ceramic BREF has been further postponed by at least half a year to 2018.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/ceramic-bref-revision/INSYSME Project - advancement from Italy
The INSYSME Project will come to its end during December. The sixteen partners have developed ten innovative systems for masonry infill walls.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/insysme-project-advancement-from-italy/Life HEROTILE: two mockups in Italy and Israel
Life HEROTILE project (LIFE14CCA/IT/000939) ongoing activities: two mockups were been installed, buildings with test roofs, to compare performances of the new Marsellaise and Portuguese tiles with the standard ones.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/life-herotile-two-mockups-in-italy-and-israel/COP22: an Action and Implementation COP
COP22 took place from 7 to 18 November in Marrakech. It aimed to demonstrate that commitments made in Paris are being implemented, and to act as a catalyst for further action.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/cop22-an-action-and-implementation-cop/Competitiveness of the Construction sector conference
Cerame-Unie took part in the fourth Thematic Group 5 "International Competitiveness" meeting of the Commission's "Construction 2020" Action Plan.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/competitiveness-of-the-construction-sector-conference/FTAs Update
Cerame-Unie is following the progress of CETA and other FTAs. The vote on CETA in the European Parliament has been postponed to February, which will be the last month for the EU to notify Canada of its will to apply the agreement provisionally.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/ftas-update/Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive debated in the European Parliament
EP rapporteur Ulvskog presented her draft report on the revision of the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive on 8 December.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/carcinogens-and-mutagens-directive-debated-in-the-european-parliament/China WTO Market Economy Status: What changes after 11 December? Nothing.
The anti-dumping instruments used by the EU and other major WTO trading partners, such as the United States and Japan, will remain unchanged after a minor element in a single section of China's WTO Accession Protocol[1] expires on 11 December 2016.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/china-wto-market-economy-status-what-changes-after-11-december-nothing/Traceability to Combat Counterfeiting and Illicit Trade
On Tuesday 6 December, Cerame-Unie attended the event organised by EurActiv on how to enhance traceability to combat counterfeiting and illicit trade.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/traceability-to-combat-counterfeiting-and-illicit-trade/2016 Ceramic Days
The Ceramic Days, the preeminent policy event for Europe’s ceramic manufacturers, will take place from Tuesday 29 November until Thursday 1 December 2016.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2016-ceramic-days/New Commission Anti-Dumping proposal undermines legal certainty in EU trade defence policy
Following the publication of the European Commission’s changes to the EU anti-dumping legislation - designed to render China’s demand for Market Economy Status ‘irrelevant’.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/new-commission-anti-dumping-proposal-undermines-legal-certainty-in-eu-trade-defence-policy/ETS post 2020 – fit for SMEs?
On October 24th, Magdalena Vallebona Cerame-Unie Climate & Energy Manager presented the European ceramic industry perspective on the topic of EU ETS review at the EPP SMEs Circlehttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ets-post-2020-fit-for-smes/FEPF attended the sixth Joint Research Centre (JRC) workshop on ceramics
FEPF, the Cerame-Unie member association representing the European ceramic table- and ornamentalware, attended the sixth Joint Research Centre (JRC) workshop on ceramics on 25 October 2016 in Ispra, Italy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/fepf-attended-the-sixth-joint-research-centre-jrc-workshop-on-ceramics/Food contact materials
FEPF, the Cerame-Unie member association representing the European ceramic table- and ornamentalware, attended the sixth Joint Research Centre (JRC) workshop on ceramics on 25 October 2016 in Ispra, Italy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/food-contact-materials/EU files WTO panel request against Chinese export restrictions on raw materials
On 26 October, the European Union has requested that the World Trade Organisation (WTO) establish a dispute settlement panel to examine Chinese export restrictions on 12 raw materials, including magnesia.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/eu-files-wto-panel-request-against-chinese-export-restrictions-on-raw-materials/Sustainability assessment tool for ceramic sanitaryware appliances
The European Federation of Manufacturers of ceramic sanitaryware (FECS) organised two technical workshops in March and April to present the new sustainability assessment standard for ceramic sanitaryware appliances (EN16578).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/sustainability-assessment-tool-for-ceramic-sanitaryware-appliances/Investment leakage – not a myth
“Level playing field in ETS rules is necessary for new investments in Europe” – said ceramic industry representative, Johan Van der Biest at a high-level conference on ETS review post 2020 and on risk of investment leakage in Europe.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/investment-leakage-not-a-myth/Resource efficient buildings study
In the context of the European Commission study for the development of common EU indicators for the environmental performance of buildings, the Commission launched a public consultation on the first draft indicators proposals.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/resource-efficient-buildings-study/Public consultation on REACH autorisation proposals
Cerame-Unie/PRE replied to the public consultation launched by the European Commission (EC) in September, regarding the proposal to amend the REACH Annex XIV authorisation list.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/reach/public-consultation-on-reach-autorisation-proposals/EC organises info days on PPPs
On 14 October, Cerame-Unie attended the EC info day on the research PPPs.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/ec-organises-info-days-on-ppps/EC funds DREAM project to improve ceramic kilns
In 2016, the European Commission has funded the DREAM project, under the SPIRE 2016 calls on the retrofitting of new and existing installations.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/ec-funds-dream-project-to-improve-ceramic-kilns/ETS reform: 15 associations ask you not to support tiering
Cerame-Unie, together with several other energy-intensive industries are under direct impact of the EU ETS, published a message to MEPs and politicians against the “tiered approach” to free allocation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ets-reform-15-associations-ask-you-not-to-support-tiering/Expiry Review of anti-dumping duties on ceramic tiles from China
The European Commission published yesterday the Notice of initiation of an expiry review of the anti-dumping measures on imports of ceramic tiles from China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/expiry-review-of-anti-dumping-duties-on-ceramic-tiles-from-china/MEP MORIN-CHARTIER VISITS FRENCH ROOF TILES COMPANY
On 27 May 2016, French MEP Elisabeth Morin-Chartier met with Cerame-Unie and the French Federation of Roof Tiles and Bricks member Terreal in Roumazières-Loubert, France.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/mep-morin-chartier-visits-french-roof-tiles-company/NEW STAFF JOINS CERAME-UNIE
Mayssa Vande Vyvre takes on the Communication and Events Officer position and Charlotte Beaudry joins the team as the intern in trade for the next 6 months.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/new-staff-joins-cerame-unie/PRE congress 2016 in Krakow, Poland
The 63rd PRE congress took place in Krakow, Poland and was attended by over 80 participants from 13 European countries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/pre-congress-2016-in-krakow-poland/WRA Board meets in London
The Board meeting of the World Refractories Association (WRA), held in April in London, brought together 14 CEOs and Association Presidents from 5 different continents.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/wra-board-meets-in-london/Post 2020 EU ETS review – negotiations
Debate on the post 2020 EU ETS directive revision is moving on in the European Institutions. In the European Parliament both Environment (lead) and Industry Committees held first exchange of views on the draft reports.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/post-2020-eu-ets-review-negotiations/Implementation of the CPR
In July, the European Commission published a report on the implementation of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/implementation-of-the-cpr/Sustainability assessment tool for ceramic sanitaryware appliances
The European Federation of Manufacturers of ceramic sanitaryware (FECS) organised two technical workshops in March and April to present the new sustainability assessment standard for ceramic sanitaryware appliances (EN16578).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/sustainability-assessment-tool-for-ceramic-sanitaryware-appliances/Circular Economy: NEEIP forum and Waste Directive Proposal
On 20 April, the European Non-Energy Extractive Industries (NEEIP) organised the 2016 Forum on the circular economy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/circular-economy-neeip-forum-and-waste-directive-proposal/NEPSI celebrates 10th anniversary
The conference celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the NEPSI Agreement took place on 16 June. This event took place in the light of the recently proposed revision of the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (CMD).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/nepsi-celebrates-10th-anniversary/Possible harmonized classification of TiO2
On 31 May, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) has submitted a proposal to ECHA for a harmonised classification of Titanium Dioxidehttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/possible-harmonized-classification-of-tio2/PRE activities on Coal Tar Pitch, high temperature
The substance Coal Tar Pitch High Temperature (CTPHT) was recommended in September 2014 for inclusion in the Annex XIV of Reach, the so-called Authorisation List. It was followed by a public consultation to which PRE replied.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/pre-activities-on-coal-tar-pitch-high-temperature/Cerame-Unie prepares for Ceramics BREF revision
The current Ceramic Manufacturing Industry Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference document, the so-called Ceramic BREF, was published in 2007 and is going to be reviewed officially in 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/cerame-unie-prepares-for-ceramics-bref-revision/Cerame-Unie participates to A.SPIRE activities
The A.SPIRE General Assembly on 17 February, which CU attended, addressed developments in the SPIRE PPP and projects as well as the priorities and expectations for 2016.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/cerame-unie-participates-to-a-spire-activities/MATCH research project
In January, CU was invited to provide its expertise at a workshop organised by Alliance for Materials (A4M) as part of the MATCH project.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/match-research-project/Cerame-Unie replies to public consultations on EU FTAs
Cerame-Unie replied to EC survey on EU FTA negotiations with Turkey, Australia and & NZ in early June.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/cerame-unie-replies-to-public-consultations-on-eu-ftas/CUMULATIVE COSTS ASSESSMENT (CCA)
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), in partnership with Economisti Associati and Ecorys Brussels, is carrying out the “Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glass industries” for the European Commission.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cumulative-costs-assessment-cca/CUMULATIVE COSTS ASSESSMENT (CCA)
The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), in partnership with Economisti Associati and Ecorys Brussels, is carrying out the “Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glass industries” for the European Commission.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/cumulative-costs-assessment-cca/Circular economy update
In June, the MEP rapporteur Simona Bonafe from the European Parliament ENVI Committee published the draft report on the waste framework directive and landfill of waste.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/circular-economy-update/Granting MES to China would endanger the future of EU ceramic industry
Cerame-Unie supports AEGIS Europe, an alliance grouping nearly 30 European industry associations, stating that the College of European Commissioners should not grant Market Economy Status (MES) to China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/granting-mes-to-china-would-endanger-the-future-of-eu-ceramic-industry/EU launched a third case against China's restrictions on export of raw materials essential for European industries
Cerame-Unie reads today with interest the launch of a third case against China's restrictions on export of raw materials essential for European industries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/eu-launched-a-third-case-against-china-s-restrictions-on-export-of-raw-materials-essential-for-european-industries/European industry calls on EU to prove its backbone towards China
Ahead of the EU China Summit in Beijing on 12-13 July, AEGIS Europe, organized a press briefing with European manufacturers in Brussels, to discuss the granting of Market Economy Status (MES) to China by the EU.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/european-industry-calls-on-eu-to-prove-its-backbone-towards-china/CET Congress in Hamburg
This year’s CET Congress was held on 16-18 June in Hamburg, kindly hosted by the German Ceramic Tiles Association.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/cet-congress-in-hamburg/2016 TBE Congress
The 2016 TBE Congress will take place on 23-24 June in Luzern, Switzerland, hosted by the Association of the Swiss Clay Brick and Roofing Tile Industry, SwissBrick.ch.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2016-tbe-congress/UK ceramic jobs better promoted inside than outside the EU!
22 June 2016, Brussels – Whether at EU level or UK level, the Ceramic Industry is an export champion in need of a strong and proactive trade policy to promote market access while ensuring protection against unfair trade practices.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/uk-ceramic-jobs-better-promoted-inside-than-outside-the-eu/High Level Expert Group on Energy Intensive Industries
On 20 June, Cerame-Unie attended the 2nd meeting of the High Level Expert Group on Energy Intensive Industries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/high-level-expert-group-on-energy-intensive-industries/2016 PRE Congress
The PRE Congress is a unique annual event bringing together refractories manufacturers from all over Europe to network and discuss key policy developments. This year’s PRE Congress will take place from 8 to 10 June 2016 in Krakow, Poland.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2016-pre-congress/EPCF breakfast debate: Making EU ETS work for small emitters
This European Parliament Ceramics Forum breakfast debate was an opportunity for policymakers and European ceramic executives to exchange on the post-2020 review of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and the role of small emitters.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/epcf-breakfast-debate-making-eu-ets-work-for-small-emitters/Respirable Crystalline Silica proposed to amend annex of CMD
The European Commission adopted a proposal to amend Directive 2004/37 on the protection of workers from the risk related to exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work (CMD). Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) is one of the substances proposed.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/respirable-crystalline-silica-proposed-to-amend-annex-of-cmd/Key vote in European Parliament against MES for China
With an overwhelming majority of 83%, on 12 May the European Parliament passed a Resolution against dumping and the granting of market economy status (MES) to China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/key-vote-in-european-parliament-against-mes-for-china/FECS & CEIR Joint statement on BIM
CEIR and FECS identified that manufacturers must play a pivotal role in the ongoing development of an acceptable cross-country harmonised Building Information Modeling (BIM) system and therefore agreed to work together to achieve this goal.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/fecs-ceir-joint-statement-on-bim/Cross-industry group launches website in support of better regulation initiative for chemicals management
The Cross-Industry Initiative (CII), an ad-hoc coalition of nearly 60 EU-wide, national organisations and companies, of which Cerame-Unie is part, has launched a new website to better inform policy makers of its goals and arguments.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/reach/cross-industry-group-launches-website-in-support-of-better-regulation-initiative-for-chemicals-management/EU ETS “tiering” proposal addressed in EPP hearing
On 4 May the EPP Group hosted a hearing on EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in the European Parliament, which, among other topics, addressed the so-called "tiering approach".http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/eu-ets-tiering-proposal-addressed-in-epp-hearing/EPP hearing on Environmental Goods Agreement
On 4 May CU attended the EPP hearing on the Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) at the European Parliament, at which EU Trade Commissioner Malmström gave the keynote address.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/epp-hearing-on-environmental-goods-agreement/Circular economy in the built environment: Launch of BAMB 2020
The EU-funded BAMB (Buildings as Materials Banks) project consortium brings 16 parties together to provide circular economy solutions to the building sector. The BAMB stakeholder network was launched on 3 May in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/circular-economy-in-the-built-environment-launch-of-bamb-2020/Expanded clay joins Cerame-Unie as tenth ceramic sector
Today the European expanded clay association (EXCA) joins Cerame-Unie as its newest member and tenth sector. This addition further unites the European ceramic industry under the umbrella association Cerame-Unie.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/expanded-clay-joins-cerame-unie-as-tenth-ceramic-sector/Ceramic industry reply to public consultation on EU-Philippines FTA
On 30 April Cerame-Unie replied to the European Commission public consultation on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the Philippines. The first round of negotiations will be held in Brussels on 23-27 May.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/ceramic-industry-reply-to-public-consultation-on-eu-philippines-fta/Infographic - About Cerame-Unie
Cerame-Unie is the industry association representing the European ceramic industry structured in ten sectors.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/infographic-about-cerame-unie/2015 Annual Report
As well as production and trade statistics, this edition of our Annual Report contains an update on CU communications and covers all major achievements per policy area.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2015-annual-report/ECJ ruling on cross-sectoral correction factor
On 28 April the European Court of Justice declared invalid the maximum annual amount of free allowances for GHG determined by the Commission for the period 2013-2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ecj-ruling-on-cross-sectoral-correction-factor/Cumulative Costs Assessment (CCA) Open Mirror Group Workshop
The Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glass industries aims to identify, assess and quantify regulatory costs of EU legislation. The Workshop will address the rationale and scope, the state of play and the role of stakeholders.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cumulative-costs-assessment-cca-open-mirror-group-workshop/NEEIP Forum 2016: Keeping the circular economy rolling - How to best serve society
The European Non-Energy Extractive Industries (NEEIP) Forum addresses the Circular Economy Package, highlighting what the industry has already achieved and what still remains to be done to obtain a circular economy that best serves society.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/neeip-forum-2016-keeping-the-circular-economy-rolling-how-to-best-serve-society/Energy intensive industries react to tiered approach to carbon leakage protection
15 energy intensive industries publish a paper expressing concerns regarding the so-called “tiered approach” to carbon leakage protection under the EU ETS. The tiered approach would reserve free allowances for some sectors at the expense of others.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/energy-intensive-industries-react-to-tiered-approach-to-carbon-leakage-protection/Cerame-Unie position on Environmental Goods Agreement
Ahead of the next round of negotiations, Cerame-Unie published a position paper in support of the EU’s ambition to protect the environment and mitigate climate change, but also underlining the European ceramic industry's concerns regarding the EGA.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/cerame-unie-position-on-environmental-goods-agreement/Cerame-Unie seeks Communications & Events Officer
An entry-level position with a permanent contract and an attractive benefits package. This full-time position is available starting from 17 May 2016. Interested candidates should send their CV and motivation letter by 27 April.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-seeks-communications-events-officer/Cerame-Unie statement against tiering of the EU ETS Carbon Leakage List
The European ceramic industry is gravely concerned about the proposed “tiered” approach as recently presented in a joint France-UK non-paper. In response, Cerame-Unie has published a statement highlighting the risks of pursuing a tiered approach.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/cerame-unie-statement-against-tiering-of-the-eu-ets-carbon-leakage-list/What is Building Information Modelling (BIM)?
The latest buzzword, fad or serious issue, depending on your viewpoint in the construction sector is Building Information Modelling (BIM). Just what BIM is and what it means to manufacturers is anything but clear.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/what-is-building-information-modelling-bim/EU Free Trade Agreements - 2016 Q2 update
Cerame-Unie attended BUSINESSEUROPE’s FTAs working group meeting and had the opportunity to exchange views with the European Commission on the state of play and future developments of the negotiations of the EU agreements.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-free-trade-agreements-2016-q2-update/Making the EU ETS work for the industry - Green Growth Platform debate
On 5 April the Green Growth Platform organised a Chatham House debate in the European Parliament on “Making the EU ETS Work for Industry”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/making-the-eu-ets-work-for-the-industry-green-growth-platform-debate/NEPSI 2016 reporting exercise concluded
The 2016 NEPSI reporting exercise started on 15 January 2016 and closed on 4 April 2016.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/nepsi-2016-reporting-exercise-concluded/Egypt Decree requires registration of all exporters
On 21 December 2015 Egypt approved Decree 992/2015 that requires all exporters to be registered on a registry managed by the GOEIC, dependent of the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/egypt-decree-requires-registration-of-all-exporters/CU reply to public consultation on ETS auctioning regulation
Cerame-Unie's response to the European Commission public consultation on the functioning of the autioning regulation pursuant to the Scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowances trading within the EU Community (EU ETS).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/cu-reply-to-public-consultation-on-ets-auctioning-regulation/Trialogue negotiations started on conflict minerals
Trialogue negotiations on a Union system for responsible sourcing of minerals started in early February following a difficult adoption of the Council mandate by the EU Member States.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/trialogue-negotiations-started-on-conflict-minerals/MEP Belder visits Dutch brick plant
On 4 March, MEP Bas Belder (Netherlands, ECR) met the Royal Dutch Association for Building Ceramics (KNB) and visited brick manufacturer Rodruza De Zandberg in Gendt.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/mep-belder-visits-dutch-brick-plant/EU Environment Council follows up on COP 21
On 4 March the EU Environment Council met in Brussels to debate the follow up of the Paris agreement.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/eu-environment-council-follows-up-on-cop-21/Report - 16th European Parliament Ceramics Forum
We are pleased to announce the publication of the report of the 16th European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) Plenary, held on 1 December 2015 in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/report-16th-european-parliament-ceramics-forum/EU Competitiveness Council conclusions
In its conclusions from 29 February, the EU Competitiveness Council took note of the messages from the Conference on Energy-intensive Industries on 15 February.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/eu-competitiveness-council-conclusions/Energy Union, One year on
On 25 February the Jacques Delors Institute and Euractiv organised a conference on the Energy Union, marking one year since the European Commission launched its “Strategy for an Energy Union”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/energy-union-one-year-on/2nd EU Energy Summit
The 2nd EU Energy Summit, held on 23 February in Brussels, focused on the most relevant issues and challenges facing the EU’s Energy Policy following COP 21, the Paris climate conference.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/2nd-eu-energy-summit/ENVI Committee hearing on ETS reform
The European Parliament's ENVI Committee met on 18 February to discuss the EU’s post-2020 ETS reform proposal.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/envi-committee-hearing-on-ets-reform/2016 A.SPIRE General Assembly
The annual A.SPIRE General Assembly took place on 17 February 2016. The A.SPIRE members reviewed the management priorities of the association as well as the advancements of the PPP and recommendations/expectations for 2016.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/2016-a-spire-general-assembly/High-Level Conference on Energy-Intensive Industries
The High-Level Group on Energy-Intensive Industries held a public conference hosted by the Commissioners Katainen and Bieńkowska. Dr Heimo Scheuch, CU Vice-President and CEO Wienerberger AG, contributed to the panel Ensuring free and fair trade.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/high-level-conference-on-energy-intensive-industries/China's MES high on agenda of EU institutions and industry
The debate on the market economy status of China continues to heat up. As EU institutions continue to debate the issue, over 5,000 workers descend upon Brussels to protest Chinese dumping and MES.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/china-s-mes-high-on-agenda-of-eu-institutions-and-industry/MEP Proust visits French roof tiles company
On 10 February 2016, French MEP Franck Proust met with Cerame-Unie and the French Federation of Roof Tiles & Bricks member Terreal in Ségala, France.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/mep-proust-visits-french-roof-tiles-company/Cevisama 2016
Cevisama 2016 will be held from 1 to 5 February in Valencia, Spain.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cevisama-2016/Green goods negotiations continue in 2016
On 1 February Cerame-Unie attended the Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) stakeholder meeting that reported on state of play of EGA negotiations. The EC confirmed that the EGA negotiations will continue throughout 2016.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/green-goods-negotiations-continue-in-2016/Cerame-Unie responds to public consultations on EED
The ceramic industry replied to the public consultations on the post 2020 Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) which is expected to be reviewed within the framework of Energy Union.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-responds-to-public-consultations-on-eed/REACH Authorisation Annex XIV - process ongoing
Discussions on the possible inclusion of Refractory Ceramic Fibres, Borates and Coal tar pitch, high temperature in the REACH Authorisation list (Annex XIV) are ongoing.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/reach/reach-authorisation-annex-xiv-process-ongoing/EU ETS Directive review impacts ceramic industry
The impact of the EU ETS Directive review plays a crucial role in ceramic sectors’ recovery from the crisis, which hit Europe in 2008. Ceramic industry representatives highlighted their concerns during MEP Ian Duncan's visit to a UK-based brickwork.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/eu-ets-directive-review-impacts-ceramic-industry/Turkey terminates safeguard investigation on EU tableware imports
Turkey terminated the safeguard investigation on ceramic table- and kitchenware and no safeguard measures were imposed on imports of this product to Turkey from Europe.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/turkey-terminates-safeguard-investigation-on-eu-tableware-imports/Horizon 2020 project MATCH organises workshop
CU was invited to provide its expertise at a workshop organised by Alliance for Materials (A4M) as part of the MATCH project. MATCH is a Horizon 2020 project that started in January 2015 and will continue for 30 months until June 2017.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/horizon-2020-project-match-organises-workshop/Research opportunities under H2020 calls for 2016
Late 2015 was a key period for research opportunities. The European Commission organised InfoDays linked to the Horizon 2020 calls, on PPPs in October and on energy efficiency in December.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/research-opportunities-under-h2020-calls-for-2016/DG GROW launches a new study on energy prices and costs
The European Commission decided to extend its analysis and produce a follow up review of the energy prices and costs study published in January 2014. As in the previous edition, two ceramic sectors were selected to participate.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/dg-grow-launches-a-new-study-on-energy-prices-and-costs/EU Water Label continues to expand reach
The EU Water Label is a voluntary and flexible scheme supported by Cerame-Unie sanitaryware member FECS to educate the end user on water and energy use.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/eu-water-label-continues-to-expand-reach/NEPSI 2016 reporting exercise starts up
NEPSI, the European Network for Silica, was formed in 2006 to implement good practices with respect to the handling of crystalline silica sand on a voluntary basis. The 2016 reporting exercise will start on 15 January and end on 15 March.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/nepsi-2016-reporting-exercise-starts-up/INSYSME holds two-day meeting in Brussels
On 14-15 January the INSYSME partners met in Brussels to discuss the 27-month progress of the project. The INSYSME project aims at developing innovative systems for masonry enclosures and is funded under FP7.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/insysme-holds-two-day-meeting-in-brussels/Cerame-Unie comments on key debate in European Commission on MES of China
The College of Commissioners held an ‘orientation debate’ on the market economy status (MES) of China on 13 January. Cerame-Unie shares its views.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/cerame-unie-comments-on-key-debate-in-european-commission-on-mes-of-china/China's Market Economy Status: Is Winter Coming For European Industries?
On the eve of the College of Commissioners' 'orientation debate' on the market economy status (MES) of China, several MEPs hosted a crucial debate in the European Parliament in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/china-s-market-economy-status-is-winter-coming-for-european-industries/Letter to President Juncker ahead of orientation debate on 13 January
Presidents of European industry associations sent a letter to President Juncker ahead of the College of Commissioners' orientation debate on the market economy status (MES) of China on 13 January.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/letter-to-president-juncker-ahead-of-orientation-debate-on-13-january/New staff joins Cerame-Unie ranks
Stéphane Noël takes on the Environmental and Technical dossiers while Astrid Volckaert is on maternity leave and Camille Maury is Cerame-Unie's new European Affairs Manager.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/new-staff-joins-cerame-unie-ranks/2016 Membership updates
In the second half of 2015, Cerame-Unie's membership gained two new presidents and two national associations.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2016-membership-updates/EU Free Trade Agreements - State of play early 2016
The EU is currently exploring, negotiating or applying a number of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). This is an update on the state of play in early 2016.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-free-trade-agreements-state-of-play-early-2016/Happy Holidays from Cerame-Unie 2016
http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/happy-holidays-from-cerame-unie-2016/Public consultation on Auctioning Regulation
The European Commission launched a public consultation on the functioning of the Auctioning Regulation pursuant to the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowances trading (EU ETS).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/public-consultation-on-auctioning-regulation/Macro-objectives for environmental performance of buildings
In December 2015, JRC published a working paper that focuses on the identification of macro-objectives for the environmental performance of buildings.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/macro-objectives-for-environmental-performance-of-buildings/EU policymakers address implementation of Natura 2000
EU officials in the European Parliament discuss the interpretation and implementation of Natura 2000 with the Dutch brick industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/eu-policymakers-address-implementation-of-natura-2000/First formal meeting of HLG on Energy Intensive Industries
The Commission hosted the High Level Expert Group (HLG) on Energy Intensive Industries on 18 December 2015. The HLG is now composed of 17 Member States representatives and 10 industry associations.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/first-formal-meeting-of-hlg-on-energy-intensive-industries/Air Policy discussions in the European Parliament
In recent months, discussions progressed in the European Parliament on the Medium Combustion plants Directive (MCPD) and the Reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NECD).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/air-policy-discussions-in-the-european-parliament/European Parliament adopts resolution on Energy Union
On 15 December 2015 the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution entitled “Towards a European Energy Union”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/european-parliament-adopts-resolution-on-energy-union/CU Task Force ahead of Ceramic BREF revision
The European Commission is expected to start revising the Ceramic BREF in 2017. In order to prepare for the revision, Cerame-Unie set up a Task Force composed of BREF experts from all ceramic sectors.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/cu-task-force-ahead-of-ceramic-bref-revision/Global climate deal successfully struck in Paris
On 12 December a global climate agreement was reached at COP 21 in Paris. The ceramic industry has been actively contributing to the achievement of global climate goals.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/global-climate-deal-successfully-struck-in-paris/Discussion on China's Market Economy Status gains momentum
The discussion on China’s Market Economy Status (MES) has recently gained momentum in the EU institutions. It is now being addressed by EU institutions and stakeholders alike.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/discussion-on-china-s-market-economy-status-gains-momentum/CPE workshop on Environmental Product Declarations
Construction Products Europe held a workshop to discuss the current situation of Environmental Product Declarations, bringing together over 60 experts in the field of Life Cycle Assessment and environmental assessment of buildings/products.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cpe-workshop-on-environmental-product-declarations/H2020 Info Day on 2016 Energy Efficiency Proposals
The European Commission organised a Horizon 2020 Info Day on the 2016 call for energy efficiency proposals under the Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Societal Challenge.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/h2020-info-day-on-2016-energy-efficiency-proposals/MEP Dalton calls for equal treatment of all energy intensive industries
In a BBC Radio Stoke interview, MEP Dan Dalton called for equal carbon leakage protection for all energy intensive industries, including ceramics, under the review of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme post 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/mep-dalton-calls-for-equal-treatment-of-all-energy-intensive-industries/MEP Gieseke visits German facing brick company
On 3 December 2015 German MEP Jens Gieseke visited the facing brick company Olfry in northern Germany. He took a tour of the brickworks with Udo von Frydag, the company’s owner, and Martin Roth, German TBE member.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/mep-gieseke-visits-german-facing-brick-company/Commission adopts new Circular Economy Package
On 2 December the European Commission (EC) adopted the Circular Economy Package that includes revised legislative proposals on waste to shift from a linear to a circular economy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/commission-adopts-new-circular-economy-package/2015 Ceramic Days
On 1 December 2015 the European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) met for its 16th Plenary meeting in Brussels. The Plenary meeting took in the context of the 2015 Ceramic Days organised by Cerame-Unie from 30 November to 2 December.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2015-ceramic-days/EU and Mercosur plan to restart negotiations
Following nine negotiation rounds and a three-year break, the EU and Mercosur agreed to proceed with an exchange of market access offers in the final quarter of 2015.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-and-mercosur-plan-to-restart-negotiations/Recommendations by EU-wide cross-industry initiative for better regulation in chemicals management
This paper constitutes a revisited version of an earlier position paper, which is complemented with more comprehensive subject-specific reports. The general message transmitted by the original paper remains unchanged.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/reach/recommendations-by-eu-wide-cross-industry-initiative-for-better-regulation-in-chemicals-management/22nd World Ceramic Tiles Forum in Spain
The 22nd World Ceramic Tiles Forum took place on 11-14 November in Sevilla, Spain hosted by ASCER, the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association, in conjunction with the ISO/TC189 meetings on 9-11 November.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/22nd-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-spain/ReStaR project concluded after two years
Launched in October 2013, the ReStaR project concluded after two years. This project was funded under the EU’s 7th Research Framework Programmeand involved 13 partners (RTDs and SMEs) in 7 countries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/restar-project-concluded-after-two-years/Adaptation to climate change, from cities to buildings
Construction Products Europe, of which Cerame-Unie is a member, organised a conference on 28 October in Brussels on adaptation to climate change.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/adaptation-to-climate-change-from-cities-to-buildings/First exchange of views on EU ETS review in Council
The Environment Council held a first exchange of views on EU ETS Directive revision for the post-2020 period. The debate focused on the distribution key for the shrinking amount of free allowances.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/first-exchange-of-views-on-eu-ets-review-in-council/CEN workshop on harmonized standards for construction products
On 26 October CEN-CENELEC organised the interactive workshop, Harmonized standards for construction products: Where are we going?. The workshop addressed the way forward for standardisation under the framework of the Construction Products Regulation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/cen-workshop-on-harmonized-standards-for-construction-products/Ceramitec 2015 - connecting manufacturers, suppliers and researchers
As a leading international trade show the ceramitec presents the entire value-added chain in the ceramics industry. All the key players and innovation leaders turn out for this event in Munich. Find out more on the event website: www.ceramitec.de/enhttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ceramitec-2015-connecting-manufacturers-suppliers-and-researchers/Commissioner Malmström presents EU Trade Strategy
The Commission published a new trade and investment strategy for the EU which Commissioner Malmström presented at DG Trade’s Civil Society Dialogue meeting on 20 October.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/commissioner-malmstrom-presents-eu-trade-strategy/2015 Horizon 2020 PPPs Info Day
This year's Information Day on contractual PPPs - Sustainable Process Industry, Factories of the Future, Energy-efficient Buildings, Green Vehicles - took place on 16 October 2015 in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/2015-horizon-2020-ppps-info-day/Ceramic industry position on post-2020 EU ETS review
On 15 July 2015 the European Commission presented their legislative proposal for revision of the EU ETS Directive. The ceramic industry maintains that post-2020 carbon leakage mitigation must be in line with the adopted level of climate ambition.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ceramic-industry-position-on-post-2020-eu-ets-review/Fifth JRC workshop in Ispra, Italy
FEPF, the Cerame-Unie member association representing the European ceramic table- and ornamentalware, attended the fifth Joint Research Centre (JRC) workshop on ceramics on 12 October in Ispra, Italy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/fifth-jrc-workshop-in-ispra-italy/Market Stability Reserve adopted in European Council
The Market Stability Reserve (MSR), an instrument established to control the supply of allowances on the EU ETS market, was approved by the EU environment ministers in the Council on 18 September.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/market-stability-reserve-adopted-in-european-council/Cerame-Unie launches its new website
The new website is user-friendly and intuitive, with improved navigation and new functionalities. Moreover, consulting the new website on the go is smooth since it is fully responsive to mobile and tablet.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-launches-its-new-website/Third International Ceramic Sanitaryware meeting held in Bologna
Representatives of the ceramic sanitaryware industry from various countries met in Bologna to give country reports and discuss relevant policies and standardisation.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/third-international-ceramic-sanitaryware-meeting-held-in-bologna/Circular Economy: Innovation Spinning the Industrial Symbiosis
Cerame-Unie made a presentation at the K4I Forum Dinner Debate on circular economy, organised in cooperation with Cefic and SPIRE Public-Private Partnership and hosted by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/circular-economy-innovation-spinning-the-industrial-symbiosis/Cersaie: International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings
For more information please consult the Cersaie website: www.cersaie.ithttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cersaie-international-exhibition-of-ceramic-tile-and-bathroom-furnishings/Bricks & tiles industry joins social housing efforts in France
The French Federation of Roof Tiles & Bricks (FFTB) contributes to several initiatives in the construction and rehabilitation of social housing in the region of Essonne in France.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/bricks-tiles-industry-joins-social-housing-efforts-in-france/Ceramic executives meet European Commissioners in 2015
In 2015, European ceramic executives met with Commissioner Bieńkowska on 2 July and Commissioner Moedas on 24 September.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ceramic-executives-meet-european-commissioners-in-2015/Implementation of CPR - RPA final report
The conclusions and recommendations from the UK-based consultancy Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA) final report on the implementation of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) will be used as input for the European Commission’s report.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/implementation-of-cpr-rpa-final-report/EU agrees on mandate for COP21
On 18 September EU environment ministers agreed on the EU mandate for global climate negotiations COP21 taking place in early December in Paris.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/climate-change/eu-agrees-on-mandate-for-cop21/3.5 million jobs at risk if EU grants MES to China, finds new report
A landmark study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) released today reveals that if the EU grants Market Economy Status (MES) to China, the EU could lose 3.5 million jobs and 2% of GDP.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/3-5-million-jobs-at-risk-if-eu-grants-mes-to-china-finds-new-report/10 Myths on the Market Economy Status of China
Industry alliance AEGIS Europe dispels 10 myths on the Market Economy Status of China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/10-myths-on-the-market-economy-status-of-china/First meeting of CEN/TC 442 BIM
The first meeting of CEN/TC 442 BIM on 16 September established several working groups.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction/first-meeting-of-cen-tc-442-bim/UNITECR 2015: 14th Biennial Worldwide Congress
UNITECR deals with the progress and exchange of industrial knowledge and technologies concerning refractories. Find out more on the congress website: www.unitecr2015.orghttp://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/unitecr-2015-14th-biennial-worldwide-congress/World Refractories Association - 2015 General Assembly
The World Refractories Association - composed of representatives from continental and national refractories associations and multi-national companies - met in Vienna, Austria for the 2015 General Assembly.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/world-refractories-association-2015-general-assembly/Seminar on Refractories – Excellent cooperation between PRE and ECREF
From 8 to 10 September 2015, the international European Seminar on Refractories, entitled 'REFRACTORIES - Key Technology and its Applications', was held at the ECREF in Hoehr-Grenzhausen for the second time.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/seminar-on-refractories-excellent-cooperation-between-pre-and-ecref/ECJ judgment on Preliminary ruling case
The European Court of Justice confirmed the validity of the Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 917/2011 of 12 September 2011 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of ceramic tiles from China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/ecj-judgment-on-preliminary-ruling-case/CE marking ‘step-by-step’ guide
The European Commission (DG GROW) published a CE marking guide to help manufacturers to CE mark their products according to the requirements of the CPR.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/ce-marking-step-by-step-guide/Ceramic industry reply to circular economy consultation
The European Commission is working on a new and more ambitious circular economy strategy to turn Europe into a more resource-efficient economy. In this context, DG Environment launched a consultation on circular economy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/ceramic-industry-reply-to-circular-economy-consultation/EC publishes proposal for ETS review
On 15 July the European Commission published a proposal for a revision of the directive on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for the period after 2020 as a part of its legislative summer package.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ec-publishes-proposal-for-ets-review/ReStaR - improving European refractory testing standards
Cerame-Unie is a dissemination partner for ReStaR, a Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project which aims to improve, promote and ensure the reliability, precision and efficiency of the current European refractory testing standards.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/restar-improving-european-refractory-testing-standards/Midyear market access update 2015
Cerame-Unie continuously monitors market access for the European ceramic industry. This midyear market access update focuses on the EU Neighbourhood, the Middle East and South America.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/midyear-market-access-update-2015/SMEs and the role of TTIP
Since early 2015 several publications and an event have highlighted the potential benefits of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and the US for SME-driven sectors like ceramics.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/smes-and-the-role-of-ttip/Changes to CU Secretariat
Magdalena Vallebona joins the CU team as Climate and Energy Manager as Adolfo Aiello leaves his position as Director for Climate and Economic Affairs. CU also welcomes Flavia Russo in the newly-created position of Administrative Assistant.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/changes-to-cu-secretariat/Implementation of anti-dumping duties
Cerame-Unie closely monitors the level of implementation of anti-dumping duties on ceramic tableware and tiles.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/implementation-of-anti-dumping-duties/Consultation launched on Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
On 30 June DG Energy launched a public consultation to evaluate the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). All relevant stakeholders can reply to this consultation by 31 October 2015.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/consultation-launched-on-energy-performance-of-buildings-directive/SPIRE Public-Private Partnership under Horizon 2020
Cerame-Unie is a founding member of A.SPIRE aisbl, an association governing a private part of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) funded under the Horizon 2020 framework programme. Since its launch in July 2012, many activities have taken place.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/spire-public-private-partnership-under-horizon-2020/Circular economy: views from 12 EU industries
Ahead of the publication of the Circular Economy Action Plan, the Resource Efficiency Alliance outlined a number of key principles that are important to achieve a true circular economy, coherent with the EU industrial policy.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/circular-economy-views-from-12-eu-industries/China is not a market economy, confirms new in-depth study
A newly published, independent study by THINK! DESK China Research & Consulting demonstrates the extent of China’s state-planned economy in unique detail. The study supports the view that China does not merit the ‘Market Economy Status’.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/china-is-not-a-market-economy-confirms-new-in-depth-study/AEGIS Europe statement on fair trade rules
Representing over 25 European industry associations, AEGIS Europe highlights the necessity to effectively address distortions from state-run or other non-market economies, which risk endangering jobs and know-how in Europe’s industrial value chain.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/aegis-europe-statement-on-fair-trade-rules/EeB public-private partnership under horizon 2020
EeB is a public private partnership (PPP) funded under Horizon 2020 which aims to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Cerame-Unie is a proud member of the Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA) governing the private part of the PPP.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/eeb-public-private-partnership-under-horizon-2020/Ensuring the continued competitiveness of EU ceramic tiles
At the annual CET General Assembly, held in Prague in the context of the 2015 CET Congress, the European ceramic wall and floor tiles industry discussed the most recent statistics and trends as well as important regulatory developments.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/ensuring-the-continued-competitiveness-of-eu-ceramic-tiles/Environmental Goods Agreement stakeholder meeting
Cerame-Unie attended the Environmental Goods Agreement stakeholder meeting with DG ENVI and DG Trade on 3 June. The Green Goods Initiative aims to liberalise tariff lines on “green goods” and reduce tariffs among participating countries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/environmental-goods-agreement-stakeholder-meeting/EU Tiles and bricks executives attend 2015 Congress
Tiles and bricks executives from across Europe met in Leuven, Belgium on 1 and 2 June for the 2015 TBE Congress. The Congress was hosted and organised by the Royal Dutch Association for Building Ceramics and the Belgian Brick Association.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/eu-tiles-and-bricks-executives-attend-2015-congress/Pitched roofs: adding value to buildings
Cerame-Unie sector Tiles and Bricks Europe (TBE) published a brochure on how the modern and innovative character of sloping roofs can also meet high technical performances.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/pitched-roofs-adding-value-to-buildings/Clay masonry products: materials for a better life
Cerame-Unie sector Tiles and Bricks Europe (TBE) published a brochure on what makes clay masonry products an outstanding choice of construction material that fits perfectly into our modern times.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/clay-masonry-products-materials-for-a-better-life/European refractory industry holds successful congress in Istanbul
From 27 to 29 May European refractory producers gathered in Istanbul for the 2015 PRE Congress. The 62nd annual Congress, hosted by the Turkish Ceramic and Refractories Manufacturers Association, attracted 80 participants from 12 countries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/european-refractory-industry-holds-successful-congress-in-istanbul/Origin marking discussed in COMPET Council
On 28 May the Competitiveness Council discussed a compromise on the mandatory origin marking provision of the Consumer Product Safety Regulation. Several Members States restated strong support for mandatory OM on five consumer goods sectors.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/origin-marking-discussed-in-compet-council/Creation of HLG on Energy Intensive Industries
The Commission recently established the High Level Expert Group on Energy Intensive Industries, composed of representatives from European institutions, industry and civil society governments. The Group will meet at least twice a year.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/creation-of-hlg-on-energy-intensive-industries/2014 Annual Report
Cerame-Unie is happy to publish its Annual Report for the year 2014. It was a busy and successful year on all fronts, as CU President Alain Delcourt and CU Secretary General Renaud Batier describe in their introductory letters.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2014-annual-report/AEII: STRATEGIC CHOICES FOR POST-2020 ETS
This paper contains proposals from the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries (AEII) on carbon leakage protection, free allocation principles and competitiveness under ETS Phase IV to ensure simple, fair, predictable and effective rules.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/aeii-strategic-choices-for-post-2020-ets/INSYSME - innovative systems for masonry enclosures
Cerame-Unie is a dissemination partner for INSYSME, a Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project. The INSYSME project aims at developing innovative systems for masonry enclosures.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-projects/insysme-innovative-systems-for-masonry-enclosures/Consultation on CPR implementation
DG Growth held a consultation on the implementation of the Construction Products Regulation and organised a workshop on 23 March in Brussels to present the preliminary results.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/consultation-on-cpr-implementation/EU Water Label present at ISH
The European Water Label, a voluntary and flexible scheme to measure the water consumption of bathroom products, was promoted at ISH Frankfurt, Europe’s largest bathroom and plumbing exhibition.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/eu-water-label-present-at-ish/Ceramic industry position on post-2020 EU ETS
According to the 2030 climate and energy framework agreed in October 2014, sectors covered by the ETS will have to reduce their emissions by 43% compared with 2005. This represents a steep, unilateral acceleration in the level of climate ambition.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/ceramic-industry-position-on-post-2020-eu-ets/CU reply to GPP consultation
CU replied to the consultation on Green Public Procurement criteria for office buildings underlining the need to include durability and fire safety criteria and consider the environmental impacts generated in the use phase of a building.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cu-reply-to-gpp-consultation/Ceramic tiles anti-dumping cases and partial interim review
The European ceramic industry followed the partial interim review launched by the European Commission in early 2014 and most recently, the Commission’s final disclosure document.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/ceramic-tiles-anti-dumping-cases-and-partial-interim-review/2015 Membership updates
Every January brings about changes to Cerame-Unie's membership. In 2015, two new presidents and a national association join the umbrella association.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/2015-membership-updates/New industry alliance AEGIS Europe formed
Industry alliance AEGIS Europe promotes manufacturing, investment, employment, growth and innovation in Europe. AEGIS Europe brings together over 25 associations accounting for more than €500 billion annual turnover and millions of EU jobs.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/new-industry-alliance-aegis-europe-formed/Cumulative cost assessment for EU glass and ceramic industry
The European Commission’s 2015 Work Programme announced a cumulative cost assessment for the EU glass and ceramic industry. It will analyse the regulatory costs incurred by the most relevant EU legislation and policies for the industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cumulative-cost-assessment-for-eu-glass-and-ceramic-industry/EC tasked with origin marking study
The European Commission was tasked by the Council to prepare a technical study assessing the impact of origin marking and the benefits and potential costs for companies and consumers.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/ec-tasked-with-origin-marking-study/A look into the French association for technical ceramics
Created in 1988, the Association of Advanced Ceramics Manufacturers (SICT) now incorporates 13 French producers of technical ceramics, compared to 10 members in 2012, and represents the interests of the whole profession at national level.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/a-look-into-the-french-association-for-technical-ceramics/MEPs visit ceramic plants
MEPs from France, the Netherlands and the UK visited ceramic plants in their home countries in late 2014.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/meps-visit-ceramic-plants/Scientific work ongoing on ceramic food contact materials
The European Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials (EURL-FCM) organised a fourth workshop in Ispra, Italy on 10 December 2014, which was attended by a strong delegation from Cerame-Unie.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/scientific-work-ongoing-on-ceramic-food-contact-materials/2014 Ceramic Days: EU manufacturing sector key to growth and jobs
The 2014 Ceramic Days were organised by Cerame-Unie on 1-5 December in Brussels. Over 150 participants attended sectoral meetings, the Cerame-Unie General Assembly and public events on 3 and 4 December.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2014-ceramic-days-eu-manufacturing-sector-key-to-growth-and-jobs/Dutch MEP visits brick plant in the Netherlands
Dutch MEP Annie Schreijer-Pierik met with Cerame-Unie member KNB, the Royal Dutch Association for Building Ceramics. The meeting included a visit to a Daas Baksteen brick plant where Ms Schreijer-Pierik learned about brick production.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/dutch-mep-visits-brick-plant-in-the-netherlands/Research & Innovation in Ceramics: How industry benefits from EU funding
Cerame-Unie organised a conference on research and innovation on 4 December. Around 90 participants attended to discover which EU funding schemes are available to the ceramic industry and receive first-hand experience on EU-funded research projects.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/research-innovation-in-ceramics-how-industry-benefits-from-eu-funding/15th European Parliament Ceramics Forum
The 15th European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) took place on 3 December in Brussels hosted by EPCF Chair, MEP Paul Rübig and co-hosted by MEP Elisabetta Gardini.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/15th-european-parliament-ceramics-forum/SME Helpdesks Stakeholder Meeting
Cerame-Unie attended the ASEAN, China & Mercosur SME Helpdesks Stakeholder Meeting and was pleased to hear that the most downloaded guide is the China IPR guide for European SMEs in the Ceramics industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/sme-helpdesks-stakeholder-meeting/Court judgement: anti-dumping tableware
The General Court dismisses the action for annulment of the anti-dumping duties on imports of ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/court-judgement-anti-dumping-tableware/21st World Ceramic Tiles Forum in China
The 21st World Ceramic Tiles Forum (WCTF) was hosted by the China Building Ceramics and Sanitaryware Association (CBCSA) in Shanghai from 12 to 15 November 2014.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/21st-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-china/Global refractory industry unites under World Refractories Association
At a time when economic pressures call for stronger networks, the refractory industry is embracing increased global cooperation under the banner of the World Refractories Association (WRA).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/global-refractory-industry-unites-under-world-refractories-association/2014 World Sustainble Buildings conference
CU attended the World Sustainable Buildings conference (WSB14), which took place on 28-30 October 2014 in Barcelona.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/2014-world-sustainble-buildings-conference/Decision adopted on carbon leakage list 2015-2019
The European Commission adopted the Decision determining the list of sectors exposed to significant risk of carbon leakage under the EU Emissions Trading System for 2015-2019. All sectors represented by Cerame-Unie were included in the list.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/decision-adopted-on-carbon-leakage-list-2015-2019/European Council agrees on 2030 climate and energy framework
EU Heads of State and Government meeting in Brussels on 23-24 October reached an agreement on the 2030 climate and energy framework.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/european-council-agrees-on-2030-climate-and-energy-framework/9th CERAMITEC Roundtable on refractories
Cerame-Unie participated in the CERAMITEC Roundtable on refractories organised in Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany, ahead of the CERAMITEC 2015 Fair on 20-23 October 2015.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/9th-ceramitec-roundtable-on-refractories/Ceramic construction sectors in external trade
Representing the ceramic construction sectors, Cerame-Unie presented the findings of its reply to the ECORYS consultation on increasing market access and business opportunities in select priority markets at a TG-5 meeting.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/ceramic-construction-sectors-in-external-trade/TBE PCR guidance document
Cerame-Unie member TBE developed the Product Category Rules (PCR) for clay bricks, blocks, roof tiles and pavers. These PCR establish a set of specific rules and guidelines for reporting the environmental performance of clay construction products.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/tbe-pcr-guidance-document/EP Ceramics Forum welcome lunch kick starts new mandate
Cerame-Unie members attended a welcome lunch for MEPs aiming to introduce the European Parliament Ceramics Forum to the new Parliament so as to continue the constructive discussions between industry and policymakers.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ep-ceramics-forum-welcome-lunch-kick-starts-new-mandate/57th International Colloquium on Refractories
The 57th International Colloquium on Refractories took place on 24-25 September in Aachen, Germany. To find out more please visit the event website: www.feuerfest-kolloquium.de.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/57th-international-colloquium-on-refractories/Resource efficiency indicator: views from 12 industries
In the context of the Commission's Circular Economy Package published in July 2014, 12 resources producing industries examine the impact of a resource productivity target based on a lead indicator reflecting Raw Material Consumption.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/resource-efficiency-indicator-views-from-12-industries/First EPDs get ECO Platform label
A ceramic tiles manufacturer and a bricks and roof tiles association were among the first to receive ECO Platform Environmental Product Declarations.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/first-epds-get-eco-platform-label/Cerame-Unie position on post-2020 climate and energy policies
Cerame-Unie calls on EU institutions to ensure that post-2020 climate and energy policies preserve the competitiveness of European industry to foster growth, avoid carbon and investment leakage and favour the development of breakthrough technologies.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/cerame-unie-position-on-post-2020-climate-and-energy-policies/EC Survey on materials for sustainable construction
European Commission DG RTD launched a survey aimed at developing a research and innovation roadmap for sustainable construction materials.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/ec-survey-on-materials-for-sustainable-construction/AEII: 2030 package and EU ETS review
The Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries call for the 2030 climate and energy framework to guarantee predictability for industry by setting the principles for measures against carbon and investment leakage.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/aeii-2030-package-and-eu-ets-review/Review of international codes for ceramic tiles: HS 6807 and 6808
The review of HS codes for ceramic tiles promoted by the ceramic tiles industry throughout the world was recently approved by the World Customs Organisation’s (WCO) Revision Committee.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/review-of-international-codes-for-ceramic-tiles-hs-6807-and-6808/Resource efficiency opportunities in the building sector
Following the Sustainable Buildings consultation to which Cerame-Unie replied, the European Commission published a Communication on “Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the building sector” on 2 July 2014.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/resource-efficiency-opportunities-in-the-building-sector/Resource efficiency and the circular economy package
On 2 July 2014, the European Commission published its Communication on resource efficiency, Towards a circular economy: a zero waste programme for Europe. In this context, Cerame-Unie presents its views on the circular economy package.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/circular-economy/resource-efficiency-and-the-circular-economy-package/Ceramic wall and floor tile executives meet at 2014 CET Congress
Confindustria Ceramica kindly hosted the CET Congress in Rome on 26-28 June 2014. CET represents the interests of the European wall & floor tiles industry and is a member of Cerame-Unie.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/ceramic-wall-and-floor-tile-executives-meet-at-2014-cet-congress/First meeting of CU Trade Working Group
Cerame-Unie created a new Working Group on trade in early 2014. The group held its first meeting with DG Trade on 24 June 2014 and exchanged on important trade policy issues concerning the EU ceramic industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/first-meeting-of-cu-trade-working-group/Role of construction sector in Europe addressed at 2014 TBE Congress
The 2014 TBE Congress, hosted by the Italian association ANDIL, took place in Naples on 19-20 June. A joint debate on 20 June addressed the role of the construction sector in Europe, particularly in the context of the Italian EU Presidency.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/role-of-construction-sector-in-europe-addressed-at-2014-tbe-congress/No eco-design necessary for industrial furnaces
Cerame-Unie supports the outcome of the Consultation Forum which was held on 16 May concluding that no eco-design requirements for industrial furnaces should be developed.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/no-eco-design-necessary-for-industrial-furnaces/Abrasives sector holds 2014 FEPA Congress in Dublin
The 2014 FEPA Congress took place in Dublin, Ireland from 11 to 13 June at Hotel Westin Dublin. FEPA is the Federation of European Producers of Abrasives and is a member of Cerame-Unie.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/abrasives-sector-holds-2014-fepa-congress-in-dublin/Food contact legislation: Technical research ongoing
The European Reference Laboratory organised a third workshop in Ispra, Italy on 10 June 2014 to discuss the ongoing laboratory tests on the migration of different metals from ceramic tableware.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/food-contact-legislation-technical-research-ongoing/Refractories sector gather for 2014 PRE Congress
The European Refractories Producers Federation (PRE) held its 61st annual Congress from 4 to 6 June 2014. The event took place at the Slovenian seaside in Portorož and was kindly hosted by the Slovenian Refractory Producers Association ZPOK.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/refractories-sector-gather-for-2014-pre-congress/Delegated Acts for CPR Annexes III and V published in Official Journal
The delegated acts to modify the annex III and annex V of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) were published in the Official Journal of the EU in late May 2014.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/construction-products-regulation/delegated-acts-for-cpr-annexes-iii-and-v-published-in-official-journal/2013 Activity Report
Cerame-Unie is proud to present its Activity Report for 2013. Throughout 2013 the association has advanced its role as the voice of the ceramic industry to the EU institutions.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2013-activity-report/Manifesto presented at Dutch election debate
In the run-up to the European elections, KNB, the Dutch umbrella organisation for the construction ceramics industry, organised a political debate between six candidate MEPs in Velp on 29 April 2014.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/manifesto-presented-at-dutch-election-debate/EU-Japan Summit: joint business statement
24 European business organisations issued a joint statement ahead of the 22nd EU-Japan Summit on 7 May 2014 in support of the ongoing free trade negotiations between the two partners.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/eu-japan-summit-joint-business-statement/EP Plenary vote on TDI Modernisation
Cerame-Unie welcomes the positive outcome for European SMEs in the European Parliament Plenary vote on 16 April on the Commission’s proposal for the modernisation of Trade Defence Instruments (TDI).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/ep-plenary-vote-on-tdi-modernisation/EP supports Consumer Product Safety and Market Surveillance
The European Parliament (EP) voted on 15 April in Strasbourg in the first reading on the Commission proposal for a package comprising a draft regulation on consumer product safety (CPSR) and market surveillance.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/ep-supports-consumer-product-safety-and-market-surveillance/EC adopts new Environmental and Energy State Aid Guidelines
The new Environmental and Energy State Aid Guidelines for the period up to 2020 promote a gradual move to market-based support for renewable energy in order to address the market distortions related to subsidies granted to renewable energy sources.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/ec-adopts-new-environmental-and-energy-state-aid-guidelines/Guidance document for TBE PCR
Thanks to the technical input of its members and the support of an external consultant, Cerame-Unie member Tiles & Bricks Europe developed the Product Category Rules for clay bricks, blocks, roof tiles and pavers.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/guidance-document-for-tbe-pcr/Ceramic Industry Manifesto
On the occasion of the European elections, Cerame-Unie published its Manifesto for the 2014-2019 Parliamentary mandate. The Manifesto was translated from English into French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian and Hungarian.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ceramic-industry-manifesto/Third NEPSI reporting concluded
The third NEPSI reporting ended on 14 March 2014. The purpose of this voluntary exercise is to demonstrate the industry’s commitment to and continued improvement in dealing with respirable crystalline silica.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/chemicals/third-nepsi-reporting-concluded/Origin marking: a tool to strengthen product safety through transparency and traceability
Nine signatories issue a joint position paper supporting mandatory origin marking for consumer products, in the context of the proposed legislative package comprising a draft regulation on consumer product safety.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/origin-marking-a-tool-to-strengthen-product-safety-through-transparency-and-traceability/Cerame-Unie signs IFIEC Europe Manifesto on 2030 strategy
Cerame-Unie signed the IFIEC Europe Manifesto calling for the 2030 strategy to be streamlined towards growth and jobs. The Manifesto, signed by over 130 CEOs from Europe's manufacturing industry, was presented at a press conference in Brussels.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cerame-unie-signs-ifiec-europe-manifesto-on-2030-strategy/Delegated Act on DoPs on websites published in Offical Journal
On 21 February 2014, the delegated act to supply Declaration of Performances (DoPs) on the websites of manufacturers of construction products was finally published in the Official Journal of the European Union.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/delegated-act-on-dops-on-websites-published-in-offical-journal/CU reply to public consultation on EEAG
The ceramic industry, an energy intensive and SME-driven sector, replied to the European Commission's consultation on the new Environmental and Energy State Aid Guidelines (EEAG) for the period up to 2020.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/cu-reply-to-public-consultation-on-eeag/2030 Climate & Energy framework, industrial renaissance and energy prices
The European Commission presented three communications on the 2030 climate and energy framework, industrial renaissance and energy prices. The latter was accompanied by a report on energy prices and costs for energy-intensive sectors like ceramics.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/2030-climate-energy-framework-industrial-renaissance-and-energy-prices/EC report confirms challenge of high energy prices for ceramic industry
Accompanying the European Commission's communications on the 2030 climate and energy framework, industrial renaissance and energy prices is a report on energy prices and costs for some energy-intensive sectors, including ceramic sectors.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/ec-report-confirms-challenge-of-high-energy-prices-for-ceramic-industry/Cerame-Unie's membership grows to nine sectors
Cerame-Unie is pleased to welcome European Enamel Authority, a European federation of national associations representing the porcelain and vitreous enamel sector, as its ninth sector.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/cerame-unie-s-membership-grows-to-nine-sectors/CET welcomes new President, Jose Luis Lanuza
On 1 January the European Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Federation (CET) – one of Cerame-Unie’s nine ceramic sectors – welcomed Mr José Luis Lanuza as the new CET President for a 3-year mandate.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/cet-welcomes-new-president-jose-luis-lanuza/Cerame-Unie is founding member of ECO Platform
Cerame-Unie is proud to be a founding member of the ECO Platform. The ECO Platform’s objective is to support the provision of reliable information in the form of a European-wide accepted Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/cerame-unie-is-founding-member-of-eco-platform/Ceramic companies and RTOs present research ideas at PPP Infodays
The long awaited Horizon 2020 legislation and its work programmes for 2014 and 2015 were published in December 2013. Ceramic companies and RTOs presented their initial ideas at a SPIRE brokerage event in October and during the PPP Infodays.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/ceramic-companies-and-rtos-present-research-ideas-at-ppp-infodays/2013 Ceramic Days
The Ceramic Days 2013 took place in Brussels from 25 to 27 November and welcomed 150 participants from EU institutions, industry and relevant stakeholders.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/2013-ceramic-days/Environmental performance tools: how do ceramic PCRs contribute to a better environment?
Held during the 2013 Ceramic Days, the conference on construction revealed the importance of standardisation, harmonised PCR and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) as useful tools for the European construction industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/environmental-performance-tools-how-do-ceramic-pcrs-contribute-to-a-better-environment/International trade principles: how to ensure better enforcement?
Held during the 2013 Ceramic Days, the conference on trade dealt with vital concerns regarding the EU’s enforcement of international trade rules to tackle unfair trade practices affecting market access for EU businesses.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/market-access/international-trade-principles-how-to-ensure-better-enforcement/20th World Ceramic Tiles Forum in Brazil
The 20th World Ceramic Tiles Forum (WCTF) was hosted by Anfacer, the Brazilian Association of Ceramic Tile Manufacturers, from 5 to 8 November 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/20th-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-brazil/Ceramic site visit organised in the UK
Cerame-Unie and the British Ceramic Confederation (BCC) organised a site visit for the European Commission in the frame of the discussion on the eco-design for industrial and laboratory furnaces and ovens.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ceramic-site-visit-organised-in-the-uk/Ceramic industry replies to Sustainable Buildings consultation
The European Commission launched a public consultation on sustainable buildings on 9 July 2013. On behalf of all ceramic sectors, Cerame-Unie replied to the multiple choice questionnaire and stressed several key messages.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/ceramic-industry-replies-to-sustainable-buildings-consultation/Refractory industry publishes carbon footprint for refractory products
PRE, the European Refractories Producers Federation, presents the results of its product carbon footprint exercise based on data collected from 40 individual sites, i.e. over 40% of the total annual turnover represented by PRE membership.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/refractory-industry-publishes-carbon-footprint-for-refractory-products/Empowering ceramic competitiveness: the challenge of energy prices
More than 50 representatives from industry and EU institutions participated in the European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) dinner debate, Empowering ceramic competitiveness - the challenge of energy prices for the European ceramic industry.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/empowering-ceramic-competitiveness-the-challenge-of-energy-prices/OM Alliance: joint position in support of origin marking
Nine organisations issue a joint position in the context of the European Commission's proposed legislative package comprising a draft regulation on consumer product safety with a key provision on mandatory origin marking.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/om-alliance-joint-position-in-support-of-origin-marking/Views on Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package
The European Commission proposal for a legislative Package on Product Safety and Market Surveillance aims at harmonising the fragmented rules for market surveillance for products and ensuring better information for consumers.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/views-on-product-safety-and-market-surveillance-package/Comments on REACH Annex XV restriction report
This position paper outlines the arguments for exempting all ceramic consumer articles from the proposed restriction in Annex XVII on lead and its compounds.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/reach/comments-on-reach-annex-xv-restriction-report/Reply to public consultation on carbon leakage methodology
The ceramic industry contributed to the European Commission's public consultation on the assumptions to be used for new EU ETS carbon leakage list 2015-2019.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/reply-to-public-consultation-on-carbon-leakage-methodology/Consultation on 2030 Climate & Energy Framework
The European ceramic industry welcomes the launch of the debate on the 2030 framework for climate and energy policies that followed the publication of the European Commission’s green paper on this subject.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/consultation-on-2030-climate-energy-framework/Non-Energy Extractive Industries Panel on resource taxation
The Non-Energy Extractive Industries Panel detail that the tax on mineral resources is a non-adequate fiscal tool for increasing resource efficiency and that tax neutrality is hard to achieve at EU level yet remains a must for competitiveness.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/raw-materials/non-energy-extractive-industries-panel-on-resource-taxation/Anti-dumping measures imposed on imports of tableware from China
The European Union published today a Council Regulation imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of ceramic table- and kitchenware originating in China.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/anti-dumping-measures-imposed-on-imports-of-tableware-from-china/12 industries find no need for eco-design for industrial kilns and furnaces
Custom designed industrial kilns and furnaces are already sufficiently regulated – an eco-design regulation for these installations is not needed.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/environment/12-industries-find-no-need-for-eco-design-for-industrial-kilns-and-furnaces/Joint business statement on EU-India FTA
15 European Business Organisations call for an enhanced engagement towards an ambitious EU-India FTA.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/international-trade-negotiations/joint-business-statement-on-eu-india-fta/Alliance views on Modernisation of Trade Defence Instruments
The TDI Industry Alliance expressed its position on a proposal to modernise Trade Defence Instruments in a joint letter addressed to the College of Commissioner.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/alliance-views-on-modernisation-of-trade-defence-instruments/AEII comments on the linking between EU ETS and Australian ETS
The Alliance of European Energy-Intensive Industries (AEII) welcomes the efforts recently deployed to link the EU ETS with the forthcoming Australian ETS. Climate change is a global concern which requires coordinated global action.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/aeii-comments-on-the-linking-between-eu-ets-and-australian-ets/NEEIP on proposal to amend Directive on environmental impact assessment
The Non Energy Extractive Industry Panel (NEEIP) comments on the proposal of the Commission to amend Directive 2011/92/EU on environmental impact assessment.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/raw-materials/neeip-on-proposal-to-amend-directive-on-environmental-impact-assessment/Reply to CONSULTATION ON STRUCTURAL OPTIONS TO STRENGTHEN EU ETS
Cerame-Unie contributes key remarks to the European Commission “Consultation on structural options to strengthen the EU Emissions Trading System”.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/reply-to-consultation-on-structural-options-to-strengthen-eu-ets/Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries on EU ETS backloading
The Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries call for the rejection of the proposal in order to avoid a further unilateral increase of direct and indirect costs for business and private energy consumers.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/emissions-trading-system/alliance-of-energy-intensive-industries-on-eu-ets-backloading/Ceramic Industry Roadmap: Paving the way to 2050
Cerame-Unie's Roadmap ‘Paving the Way to 2050’ is the European ceramic industry’s contribution to the European debate on a smarter, more competitive and resource-efficient future for the EU.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ceramic-industry-roadmap-paving-the-way-to-2050/EU steps up support for construction sector
On 31 July 2012 the European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, presented a new construction strategy that should boost growth in the near future.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/construction-sustainability/sustainable-buildings/eu-steps-up-support-for-construction-sector/Cerame-Unie is founding member of A.SPIRE
A.SPIRE aisbl, which will manage and implement the proposed SPIRE Public-Private Partnership (PPP), was established as at a signing ceremony in Brussels. Cerame-Unie is proud to be a founding member of this industry association.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/research-innovation/eu-funding-programmes/cerame-unie-is-founding-member-of-a-spire/19th World Ceramic Tiles Forum in Ukraine
The 19th World Ceramic Tiles Forum was hosted by the Ukrainian Association of Ceramics from 27 to 30 June 2012. Over 40 representatives of the global ceramic tiles industry gathered in Sevastopol, Ukraine, to discuss matters of common interest.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/19th-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-ukraine/Environment Council: Roadmap to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050
On 9 March 2012 the Environment Council meeting debated, among other subjects, the European Commission's Roadmap to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/climate-energy/energy/environment-council-roadmap-to-a-competitive-low-carbon-economy-in-2050/18th World Ceramic Tiles Forum in Mexico
The 18th edition of the World Ceramic Tiles Forum took place in Mexico City, between 18 and 20 October 2011. The Forum has been growing every year, with 13 countries present in this edition.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/18th-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-mexico/Definitive anti-dumping duties imposed on EU imports of ceramic tiles from China
The European Union published today a Council Regulation imposing definitive antidumping duties against imports of ceramic tiles originating in China. The measures are due to enter into force on 16 September 2011 for a period of 5 years.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/trade-defence/definitive-anti-dumping-duties-imposed-on-eu-imports-of-ceramic-tiles-from-china/Ceramics: when tradition builds a future
Through continuous technological, scientific and innovative advances, the Ceramics Industry is making an immense impact on our everyday lives.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/cerame-unie/ceramics-when-tradition-builds-a-future/Cerame-Unie welcomes Communication on raw materials
The Commission presented its long awaited Communication on commodity markets and raw materials. The document contributes to the Europe 2020 flagship initiative ‘A resource efficient Europe’.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/environment-health/raw-materials/cerame-unie-welcomes-communication-on-raw-materials/Wide support for origin marking in the European Parliament plenary
On 21 October 2010, the European Parliament plenary adopted the proposal for an EU-wide system of the indication of the country of origin of certain products imported from third countries.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/trade-internal-market/origin-marking/wide-support-for-origin-marking-in-the-european-parliament-plenary/17th World Ceramic Tiles Forum in Indonesia
The 17th World Ceramic Tiles Forum was held in Jakarta, Indonesia hosted by ASAKI, the Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association.http://cerameunie.eu/topics/cerame-unie-sectors/sectors/17th-world-ceramic-tiles-forum-in-indonesia/Ceramic Industry
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