CERAME-UNIE (aisbl) is the European Ceramic Industry Association. It has been based in Brussels since 1962 as the representation of the European ceramic industry to the EU institutions. At EU level, the industry is involved in policy debates in the fields of construction, environment, energy & climate change, international trade and research & innovation.
The intern will gain practical knowledge and better understanding of EU institutions and international processes with a specific focus on EU environment, health & safety and sustainability topics while carrying out different tasks.
The position is remunerated and available starting from July 2022 for 6 months.
If interested, please send your CV and motivation letter to Ms Aurore de Schrevel (deschrevel@cerameunie.eu) indicating this reference: 'Public Affairs: Environment, Sustainability and Health and Safety Internship' by 15 June 2022 EOB.
Only candidates selected for interview will be contacted.