29 August 2016


The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), in partnership with Economisti Associati and Ecorys Brussels, is carrying out the “Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glass industries” for the European Commission.  This study aims to identify, assess and quantify the regulatory costs imposed by selected areas of EU legislation (e.g. energy, environment, climate, internal market, competition, trade) on ceramics and glass companies over the period 2005-2014. In addition, the research team will evaluate the impact of such regulatory costs on the cost structure and profitability of companies operating in the industry as well as on their international competitiveness.  The study was launched during the 1st half of 2016 and will be completed in spring 2017.   The CCA on glass and ceramics follows similar studies performed over the last years by the European Commission on steel, aluminium and more recently on chemicals and paper.  The participation of ceramic producers in a sufficient number throughout the EU will be essential to the success of this exercise.   For this purpose, the consortium of consultants established a “mirror group” where companies and national associations are represented.  In addition, the consortium held a “public mirror group” on 26 April also open to stakeholders outside the industry.