Views on Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package

Origin marking
28 August 2013

Position paper

Cerame-Unie welcomes the European Commission proposal for a legislative Package on Product Safety and Market Surveillance, which aims at harmonising the fragmented rules for market surveillance for products and ensuring better information for consumers. In line with its historical position, Cerame-Unie supports the principle of mandatory origin marking for consumer goods, i.e. Article 7 of the Product Safety Regulation. Cerame-Unie believes that origin marking would facilitate controls and enforcement of the proposed legislation. However, the main aim of the regulations should be to simplify the market surveillance while avoiding any disproportionate and unnecessary burden as currently proposed by Article 8 (7).


Further clarification of the scope and exclusions: The notion of “consumer goods” in the context of product safety needs to be better defined. In addition, sectors concerned by the exclusion from Chapters II and III under Article 2(4) shall be clearly identified to reduce the scope for interpretation.


Read the position paper for all details.