Antwerp Dialogue on Industrial Electrification & Competitiveness | Recommendations

Industrial policy
10 December 2024

Position paper

The European chemicals (CEFIC), aluminium (European Aluminium) and electricity industry (Eurelectric) co-organised an Antwerp Dialogue on the topic of industrial electrification and competitiveness that was joined by relevant stakeholders from industry, the power sector, NGOs, unions, and think-tanks.


Energy-intensive industries are a “vital part of the European economy and play a critical role in reducing the EU’s strategic dependencies” while contributing directly and indirectly to a large share of the European economy through downstream activities.


Developments in energy prices and costs “have had a strong impact” on their competitiveness. In addition, decarbonisation investments create additional costs for EU industry that need to be accounted for.


To address these challenges, participants express full support for a European Industrial Deal to complement the Green Deal and keep high-quality jobs for European workers in Europe.


Please find below the policy recommendations shared by the group, which could be implemented in the short term to work on industrial electrification and competitiveness:


Antwerp Dialogue | RECOMMENDATIONS