Following the Sustainable Buildings consultation to which Cerame-Unie replied, the European Commission published a Communication Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the building sector on 2 July 2014. The primary objectives of this initiative are to reduce the resource use in new and renovated residential, commercial and public buildings, as well as decrease the environmental impact of buildings over their full lifecycle.
The Communication indicates that recycling/reuse of materials are important processes in order to improve the efficient use of materials and to avoid negative impacts related with virgin material. To increase the use of recycled materials from construction and demolition waste (CDW), a better functioning market for recycled construction materials should be created.
The Commission intends to work on reliable data and to develop a common framework of core indicators, including their methods, focusing on the most relevant aspects of environmental impacts of buildings throughout their life cycle. This framework will cover the following areas:
The development of this framework should last approximately two years and stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide input on this matter. Furthermore, the framework will be based on existing work, namely the EN 15978 and other voluntary schemes.