Cerame-Unie Activity Report 2023

3 December 2024


Cerame-Unie is proud to present its Activity Report for 2023.



Throughout 2023 the association has advanced its role as the voice of the European ceramic industry to the EU institutions. Cerame-Unie covers a wide range of dossiers affecting the ceramic industry including Environment & HealthClimate & EnergyTrade & Internal marketResearch & InnovationConstruction & Sustainability and Skills.


Through its Ceramic Days and European Parliament Ceramic Forum (EPCF), Cerame-Unie actively facilitates discussion between EU officials and representatives of the European ceramic industry on topics of mutual interest. Moreover, Cerame-Unie organised and participated in a number of sector-specific activities.


As well as the aforementioned items, the 2023 CU Activity Report includes updated statistics on the production value and trade flows of the EU ceramic industry, the association’s structure and external network, and information on the European Parliament Ceramics Forum and Cerame-Unie Membership.


Cerame-Unie would like to thank its Members for their involvement in CU activities and events throughout 2023.


Please consult the link below to read the full Activity Report:


CU Activity Report | 2023