It is our absolute pleasure to invite you to attend the 2024 European Ceramic Days (24ECD), to be held on 2-3-4 December 2024 in Brussels, and more particularly to the European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) to take place on 3 December at the exquisite Library Solvay, which will be followed by the EPCF & CU Cocktail and Walking Dinner in the same location.
This year, the EPCF Plenary Meetings will focus on 2 key topics concerning the EU ceramic industry:
EPCF Panel 1 | Open but fair: How can EU trade policy win a global competitive edge for EU manufacturing?
EPCF Panel 2 | The Future of Housing in the EU: Affordable & Sustainable
The CU Public Conference on the topic “Building a Stronger Europe: The Future of EU manufacturing”, will take place on 4 December at ARTS 56, following the Cerame-Unie General Assembly.
We are happy to announce that the 24ECD will be held as an in-person event. However, CU Members will still be able to join the Sectoral Meetings remotely (via MS TEAMS conference calls).
The European Ceramic Days is an annual event that brings together high-level representatives of the European Ceramic Industry with officials and policymakers from national and EU authorities. Every year we welcome high-level speakers and representatives from the European Commission, Members States and Members of the European Parliament, to discuss policy topics that directly impact the European ceramic industry.
If you are a CU Member or interested in participating, please contact the CU Secretariat to secure your registration (
We would be honoured to welcome you to all or part of these events.
Important Note: Registrations are subject to confirmation by the Cerame-Unie Secretariat. Please note that the Public Events of the 24ECD (EPCF Plenary Meetings, EPCF & CU Cocktail and Dinner & CU Public Conference) are limited to the capacity of the venues. Priority will be given to Cerame-Unie Members, MEPs and EU Officials.
You will find below the Programme of the event. To secure your registration, please contact the CU Secretariat through
Looking forward to welcoming you in Brussels, for the 2024 European Ceramic Days.
15:30 – 18:00
CU Meeting Room & MS TEAMS
CU Members can contact the CU Secretariat for details (
(for CU Members only)
09:00 – 15:00
Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels & MS TEAMS
CU Members can contact the Secretariat for details (
(for CU Members only)
15:00 – 18:30
Solvay Library (Rue Belliard 137A, 1040 Brussels)
(Public event, by invitation only)
WELCOME & INTRODUCTION: MEP Elisabetta Gualmini, EPCF Chair, ITRE Committee, European Parliament & Massimo Isola, President of the Italian Association Cities of Ceramics (AiCC), Mayor of Faenza
VIDEO MESSAGE: Enrico Letta, President of the Institut Jacques Delors & Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy
KEYNOTE SPEAKER INTERVIEW: Kurt Vandenberghe, Director General, DG CLIMA, European Commission
EPCF – PANEL 1: Open but fair: Can EU trade policy win A global competitive edge for EU manufacturing?
EPCF – PANEL 2: The Future of Housing in the EU: Affordable & Sustainable
18:45 – 22:00
EPCF & Cerame-Unie Cocktail and Dinner
Solvay Library (Rue Belliard 137A, 1040 Brussels)
(by invitation only)
09:00 – 10:30
ARTS 56 │ Conference Room: Mona Lisa (Av. des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels)
CU Members can contact the CU Secretariat for details (
(for CU Members only)
11:00 – 13:00
CU PUBLIC CONFERENCE | "How can we build a Stronger Europe considering the future of manufacturing from a whole value chain approach?"
ARTS 56 │ Conference Room: Mona Lisa (Av. des Arts 56, 1000 Brussels)
(Public event, by invitation only)
14:00 – 16:30
Interdio, Room G01, Guimardstraat 1, 1040 Brussel & MS TEAMS
Cerame-Unie, Rue Belliard 12, 1040 Brussels & MS TEAMS
CU Members can contact the CU Secretariat for details (
(for CU Members only)