REACH & OSH Discussion at the European Parliament

12 June 2018


On 5 June the cross industry initiative for a better regulation in chemicals management (CII) organised a European Parliament dinner debate on “enhancing synergies between REACH and OSH”


The dinner debate took place three months after the publication of the European Commission conclusions on the 2nd REACH Review and was aimed at fostering an open discussion between policy-makers, industry, and trade union representatives to ensure the development of systematic and appropriate solutions that will enhance the synergies between REACH and OSH.


The event was well attended with about 40 participants from the European Parliament, the European Commission (Giuseppina Luvarà from DG ENVI and Michael Flueh from DG GROW), Permanent Representation attachés (Austria, Netherlands, UK, etc) and industry representatives. Ms. Anthea McIntyre MEP opened the debate, introduced the keynote speakers and moderated the discussions whilst Ms. Julie Girling MEP concluded the event.


Ms. Girling MEP reminded attendees that during the development of the REACH system, industry was initially reluctant that there would be additional administrative burden and questioned the added-value of the framework. Ms. Girling MEP noted that perceptions amongst industry turned around 2014 when REACH started to be perceived as beneficial to the European industry. She emphasised the need to think earlier in the process about potential contradictions and overlaps between existing frameworks and new EU initiatives.


Finally, Ms. Girling MEP urged the European Commission to come up with a decision on the SCOEL/RAC dispute before the end of the mandate.